Search results

  1. O

    Out of state hunting/fishing trips?

    My boy just got admitted to UC Berkely. Didn't think he would make it considering they had a record 65 thousand student applicants and only took 16 thousand. Not sure that I should go on my annual CO hunting trip now with the tuition around 28k per year :shock: Go Bears :grin:
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    Some thing new?

    Looks fast enough to hit some thing yesterday :grin:
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    Some thing new?

    The .17-357 RG :?:
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    Morons in Congress

    I bin tinken about its.
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    Morons in Congress

    To be ready for such a crisis, I propose training large whales to be ready to push the island upright again there by saving billions of lives. Also another idea of mine that is HIGH time to be mandated by law is to force travelers to use the bathroom on the east coast before flying to the west...
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    New super varmint round!!!

    New super fast varmint round. 22cal. Bullet at 7200fps. Just take a 50bmg. and neck it down and ta-da!!!! Ran across this pic and though it was hilarious. Figured id share it. :lol:
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    Storing rifles

    I do the very same thing. I also open the bolt/lever just in-case of trapping any moister.
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    Trigger for Ruger #1

    Why cant your gunsmith fix it?
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    Checkering - Anybody know diddly?

    The teacher that I had in my high school shop class taught me how to do checkering and let me tell you it can take some practice before you get proficient at it. If I remember correctly, it takes many specialized sized files used in a certain order. The rifle was a rem 30-06 and I now can't...
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    Obama Care Dies

    I bet he was using a teleprompter :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    375 Ruger

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    What 4 cartridges for all of North America?

    12ga .22 .243 .325wsm
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    358Win and the 225gr Accubond

    Congrats Bullet! Nice looking buck.
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    Brown Bear and 338 Win Mag

    Talk about a nice trophy room. Nice!
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    IN MARCH - 340 Weatherby Magnum

    Gad zooks Pop :shock: is that really you going 220 mph in about 15 seconds!!! I just got over my mid life crises and sold my red convertible vett :grin:
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    No bedding needed

    Ever seen one of these? Looks kind of naked to me.... ... hyId=10473
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    WT buck 2009

    Congrats! nice buck! but -26 = deersicle
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    2009 Colorado Elk Hunt

    I missed, twice. Yep missed a monster 6x6 bull the biggest bull I have ever seen, and then I missed a rag horn. Opening day Colorado second rifle season in unit 62 was hot and dry just like last year. I decided to go to the top of the mountain and hunt the dark timber first thing. Not much...
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    shotgun question

    Hmmmm... all this shotgun talk has given me an idea, Nosler made custom shotguns and Nosler AB shotgun shot :grin: .
  20. O

    This hunting tip may save your life!

    I found this story on another forum this morning. I drive non stop from Ca to Co every year for my hunt. No more. My annual hunting trips to Kansas are nothing short of mad dashes to and from California. The trip back from Kansas this year took 17.5 hours on day one (includes one and a half...