Out of state hunting/fishing trips?

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
I feel comfortable taking one, and only one, big out-of-state hunting & fishing trip every year. Sometimes I sneak in a quick, inexpensive fly fishing trip to Idaho too... Otherwise it has the potential to have a nasty effect on the family budget.

Here in Washington I'll be hunting bear and mule deer, perhaps elk this year.

How often do you get to hunt out of state? Where do you go, and for what game? Do you use a guide, or do it yourself?

When we can get drawn a friend and I go to Wy for pronghorns. We have a friend who lives there and he acts as our guide. I use to hunt Nev for deer(black powder) when a friend lived there. After he died I quit going.
I hope to have the cash and things work out so I can go to Colarado(sp) for elk this year. I have a friend who lives there and I can get an over the counter tag. He has some private land I can hunt on.
Wyoming this year for pronghorns and hopefully mule deer with JDMAG with his son Taylor and Jonathan Norman with some friends. We did good on the antelope last time but didn't find a good deer area untill the season had been open about a week or so and it had been picked over pretty good except for all the big bucks on private land.
Good company makes for a good hunt.

Sounds like a good year for you. I really like the picture of you guys fishing on the salmon stream. That is very inviting. I certainly wish you all success as you pursue Coho this September.

I occasionally hunt in Alberta under the Hunter-Host program. I had planned to hunt Antelope in Wyoming a couple of years ago, but that hasn't worked out. Perhaps I'll still get to do so in another year of so. On the other hand, there is quite a bit of game to hunt right here. Still, it is always good to see new country. Your comment about good company is spot on.
I live in TN. I normally go our of state 2-3 times a year to hunt and fish.

I do a 3 day turkey trip, with the BILs, every year to a different state. We have hunted TX, NE, KS and OK the last 4 years. My wife and I try to go to FL or out west fly fishing for a few days each year. I get up to hunt KY every year for deer and Turkey.

This year I have an OCT elk trip planned with my dad to the Thorofare for a week. Next year it will be WY 'lope.
My boy just got admitted to UC Berkely. Didn't think he would make it considering they had a record 65 thousand student applicants and only took 16 thousand. Not sure that I should go on my annual CO hunting trip now with the tuition around 28k per year :shock:

Go Bears :grin:

Congratulations to your son. It is an investment in his future, but one I pray pays handsomely for him and for you. What will he be studying?
Thank you DrMike. My son is going for a double major, one in philosophy and the other in political science.
Just checked for my elk tag draw in CO area 61, got a refund.
I am going to try and get to Idaho this year to hunt elk/mule deer, then if I am lucky I will head up to Michigan and try some hunting up there with friends, and if there is time left, I will go to NY to visit family and get to do a little hunting. Scotty
I have a young family and unless I go with dad I can barely afford one trip per year. I actuall have not been for quite a few.

This year though we had a halfa$$ plan until I got a new job with a 1 year probation so I only have 2 personal days and what ever comptime I can save up between now and then.

SO here goes we applied for Nevada if we get that then california will take a back seat and we will apply for G3 since I dont have max points I only have a slim chance at their 10% which is 3.

If we dont get nevada then we have enough points to draw an area we would like to hunt here in California and if we get it we are probably going to get a guide or do a semi guided deal since we dont know the area and would have spnt that money on out of state tags travel etc anyway.

Pops always puts in for Idaho but until they refine their draw system and either kick down some points or do something I am out.

Next year It will be on applying for Nevada Montana and maybe something els too who knows.
I usually go on at least one out of state hunt each year. Mostly depends on the draw I already have a tag in Wyoming, and am in also in Idaho. I live in Was state and have 4 controled hunt applications in right now.
looking forward to Antelope with Greg Nolan this year. AND my Sons first trip out west. hopefully we'll get the speed goat and he can also get a nice Muley too. Come to think of it I wouldn't mind gettin another one this year either! :grin: some times I get to go to KY for small game, and a few trips to the White river in Arkansas for trout, (fly fishing)
Try not to laugh, but I like to to into MT & SD for prairie dogs, makes for really good sausage & jerky. And I'll fish in Northern MN.

Would really like to do an elk some day, someday I will. Also would really like to drag my boat back over to West MI, grab JD and go chase some kings & greasers.

But right now content to hunt locally with daughters and BIL. ND has an awesome selection of species. Could use a few more trees & hills tho....
