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  1. S


    I loaded some tbbc for my buddy's 22-250. They where suppose to be 62gn bullets i weighed some and they where 67gn. I started at min charge of 33gn of w760 and they keyholed very little. If i push them harder will it help from keyholing?
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    44 mag

    I've never owned a revolver until Saturday. I was at a auction and there was a ruger super blackhawk with a 7 1/2 barrel. Looks like it have been test fired only. Bought for $400. What is a good powder to use with a 225gn hornady xtp.
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    nosler data

    I think the data for 200 and 225 AB is reversed. In the 35 whelen the start load for the 200 is 54gn max is 58gn. The start for 225 is 56.5 and a max of 60.5. Any ideas whats going on 56.5 gns of varget is at the base of the neck. This is with varget.
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    primer pocket

    Has anyone had shallow primer pocket cause a dent in the primer when seating primers on a press?
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    Anyone have a sako finnwolf ? How do you like it?
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    Hunter Biden is a convicted felon. Guilty on all charges of lying on a gun form.
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    Anyone looking for a lh 280.
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    Anyone that is having problem's comparing different loads on it. Just select the cartridge you want and hit the get data button and you can compare.
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    Has anyone tried 6.5 staball in a 308
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    45-70 brass

    It's new brass what's a 100 pieces worth? I'm going to a auction and there is around 500 pieces.
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    Base layers

    Base layers what are you fella's using?
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    6.5 prc

    Quickload for 6.5 prc. Could someone run a hornady 140gn eld-m with rl26 , 24" barrel,hornady brass, c.o.l of 2.950 thru quickload. Thank's very much.
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    Powder Valley has black powder in stock. Most expensive is 28 and change.
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    Looks like there is a new brass manufacturer .
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    Barrel break in.

    How many of you do it? And your procedure. Thanks.
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    Anyone have a Sako s20 rifle? How do you like it? Any pros or cons?
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    The craziness still hasn't stop.
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    Would someone with QL load run a 6.5 prc load for me . Using a hornady brass, remington 9 1/2m primer, hornady 140gn bthp and ramshot magnum powder. Barrel is 24". C.O.l is 2.950
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    Retumbo hits $200 a pound.
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    6.5 prc

    Would someone with the new nosler manual look and see if the 6.5 prc is in it? And what the max charge is for magpro with the 140gn cc bullet is. Thank you.