The thread about Guy got me thinking, there are so many great members on the forum. But when I think of the Nosler forum there is one person that stands out in my mind, someone that has almost 35,000 posts and is always there to help someone with QL.
DrMike! Thanks for all you do for this...
I have a Tikka 22" barrel with an 8 twist and I bought these bullets a while ago. I'm looking for a place to start, preferably with StaBall 6.5. Could DrMike or one of you fine gentlemen with Quickload please run that combo. If StaBall is not in QL maybe a run with a variety of powders. Thanks...
SPS must have sold Midway a bunch of bullet overruns and seconds. The 25 caliber 120g Partition overruns caught my eye, but they are a little too pricey.
My Tikka 22-250 fast twist comes in tomorrow. I plan on shooting 64g or 70g Hammer Hunters in it and maybe some 62g Varmageddons. Should make a good truck gun for around the property.
Anyone have more info on these rifles? Don't see it on their website yet. Sound interesting.
The Montana Rifles Company’s Extreme X2 rifle was – and is – a great choice for making long shots on game; for 2018 MRC has announced their Extreme X3, a lighter, stronger design featuring aluminum...
I have a Model 70 Featherweight 300 wsm with a Leupold VX-1 3-9. With my aging eyes I'm having trouble focusing the scope. I recently put a Vortex Viper 2.5-10x44 on another rifle and really noticed the difference in clarity over my VX-1. I like the Vortex but it is a little bigger than what I...
It took some work but finally got the ETips to shoot in my Model 70, once they were .115" off the lands. Big Thank You to Scotty for the help.
The velocity was 3346 fps average over my Magneto Speed, when I was working up. Now I just need to repeat and check the speed again.
My son just purchased a Ruger Precision rifle in 6.5 CM. It will be used mostly for long range target shooting. He has a 7mm RM and a 243 for hunting rifles, he is 27 years old and has been shooting since he was 10 (trying to get him to join this great Forum).
Any suggestions on a good long...
I went with my Son on his first elk hunt in Arizona and he was successful with this spike. We hunted for 5 days covering many miles on foot ( I'm still recovering) and only saw cows until he spotted this guy about 200 yards away. He shot him in the front shoulder with his 7mm RM and factory...
With my 25-06 barreled action on the way from Pac-Nor, I have all the reloading components to start working up loads. I have been reloading for over 40 years, but only enough to find a good hunting load. So questions to all you experienced reloaders, where do I start? I have new Nosler brass...
I am looking into having Pac-Nor rebarrel my early 1970's Model 70 30-06 to a 25-06. I purchased it new back then and it is time for a new barrel. I have always wanted a 25-06. Does anyone have any experience with Pac-Nor? I emailed them and they said if I send the barreled action they would...