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  1. D

    Reloading 7mm rem meg

    I was under the understanding pistol, lever, and magnums needed crimping. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. D

    Reloading 7mm rem meg

    Yes I put a bit of a crimp on them using lee factory crimp die. How much of a crimp should be put on these loads? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. D

    Reloading 7mm rem meg

    I did a poor man measurement by seating a bullet long in a slightly over sized bullet, then slowly chambering the round (with out a primer) in the rifle. It measured 3.355" and I have set my COAL at 3.260" for the first round of testing. When I find the best charge at 3.260" I will then play...
  4. D

    Reloading 7mm rem meg

    Well with starting a new job it has taken me a bit. However I got my test/work up loads loaded. Hoping to get out to see what they do this weekend. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. D

    Reloading log book

    Thanks for finding those spelling errors. Am going to get those changed. Also going to change from "weapon" to firearm information. I have these saved in excel and just print the sheets I need on 5X8 card stock and hole punch. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. D

    Reloading log book

    Thanks guys Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. D

    Reloading log book

    Been bored this week due to a down turn in the economy. Lol Any way I have been looking for a log book but have never found one I truly like. So I took bits and pieces from the web and sat down on excel and made a full log book. It has every thing from firearm details, maintenance, round count...
  8. D

    Reloading 7mm rem meg

    Quick question Drmike. I see in your QL data you used a 24" barrel, my rem 700sps dm is a 26" barrel. How much of a difference will that make on the pressures? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. D

    Reloading 7mm rem meg

    Thanks for all the info. I have read a lot on the 7mm and just wanted verification that I was on the right track. I will be sure to report back, it won't be for a bit but I will do Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. D

    Reloading 7mm rem meg

    I am going to be reloading for this hunting season coming up, and settled on the nosler 150gr e-tip. I am using Winchester magnum primers and hodgens H4350 powder. My question is, I was going to start with a charge of 58gr and work up. What do you think, safe starting point? Sent from my...