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  1. R


    That's a fine pronghorn. I think I have his twin brother hanging on my wall. My bucks horns are a tad shorter but his face and neck size look exactly like yours. Congratulations. Don't feel bad about the picture posting. I'm a NC programmer also and I played with it for about an hour before...
  2. R

    Pictures & Stories......Thanks a millon...

    I enjoy the stories and pictures too. They sure help build my anticipation for the hunting season. My Dad and I are leaving Monday the 10th to meet friends from IL and hunt deer and pronghorn in WY. Only seven more days.
  3. R

    MI Bow Hunt

    Good looking buck :!:
  4. R

    Nate's First Deer

    Thanks for the friendly replies. He'll have fun telling his story next weekend at the Boy Scout shotgun weekend. Twice a year we campout and shoot .22s and clay birds. It's always a good time.
  5. R

    Wanting to Build a 338-06 Rifle

    Wow. Very nice. I have a stainless Rem 700 mtn rifle in .30-06 that I've considered having rebarreled in.338-06 some day. I'll be interested to read your range report.
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    Tater's First Deer!

    That's a nice trophy he's got there. Well done.
  7. R

    Nate's First Deer

    My son got his first deer about 7:30 this morning. He was shooting my Remington 7mm-08 with 120 grain ballistic tips. He was proud of himself and Dad was, too!
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    Reduced Recoil Loads

    Has anyone tried the reduced recoil loads from Hodgdons website? I'm interested in a deer load for my 11 year old son that won't recoil much. Hodgdon recommends a 60% charge of H4895. For my 7mm-08, that should be about 21.4 grains of powder under a 120 grain bullet. Also, I'd be interested...
  9. R

    120gn 7mm BT?

    I used my new 7-08 for the first time last fall. I loaded 120 grain ballistic tips and was satisfied with the results. I cleanly took two pronghorn and a whitetail at ranges from 100 to 280 yards. I'm not a great bench rest shot but my groups averaged about an inch or slightly better. I...
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    OAL Question

    I used the method you both described. I guess I didn't have the bullet protruding from the case enough to contact the rifling. I was concerned that I might not have got an accurate measurement. I think I'll be OK with the OAL that I've chosen. Can't wait to get out and give them a try at the...
  11. R

    OAL Question

    Hi all, I'm new to reloading and I have a question reguarding OAL. I'm loading 165 BTips for my .30-06 and 120 BTips for my 7mm-08. I checked for proper bullet seating depth per page 42 - 43 of the Nosler Manual fifth edition. With the bullet set at about .050 longer than SAAMI max. I didn't...