I love this thing!
No idea of the exact round count, but plenty enough to say it's a solid little pistol built to shoot, regardless of any growing pains it had when first introduced.
This ain't a gimmick gun...
Estimated round count is somewhere between 500 and 1000, it has fired every time...
Yes, it's amazing the difference a stent can make...I got mine after my STEMI back in November and honestly feel 10 years younger AFTER the heart attack... no more chest pain no matter how hard I'm working... 51 years old and working circles around these 21-30 year old they have me training...
I'm guilty of doing the "one hit and put it back in the truck" thing with my 280 AI.... people all down the line blasting away trying to hit the 600 yard steel... did it for my pre deer season sight check this year, 1 round, 1 hit, and good enough lol.
Makes some people mad... instead of...
I use it for plinking loads... weak 38 power but loaded in 357 brass.
It's an economical powder, not a powerful one.
Be careful, it can easily be double charged without noticing.
To add to that...
I'm not seeing Christianity shrinking, it is heavily under attack, but I'm not really buying that its shrinking.
I've been going to a sort of new church for a year or so now, my son knows the pastor and his Dad and sis, they started the church 8 years ago from nothing... in...
We're not going to be eradicated...
God's people turned from Him time after time, and were punished for it every time... but also, when they realized He was the one true God, and changed their ways, He restored them.... every time... keeping His promise to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob... this went...
Yeah I've been a Lucky Gunner customer for a good while now, they're pretty much local for me, I tend to get anything I order within a day or 2.... good prices, usually have stuff in stock, and they get it out the door quick... I'm only about 70 miles from them.
I've only bedded one myself ...model 70 30-06 in a McMillan stock with pillars...I used MarineTex grey epoxy which worked great, the rifle was a decent shooter in the factory stock, but in the bedded McMillan it was creeping up on benchrest accuracy, with loads it liked, such as 168 grain...
I put the M&P 2.0 9mm back on today, first time in a few weeks... after handling the Bodyguard 380 for all that time the 2.0 feels like a Desert Eagle in my hand 🤣
I put 200 rounds through it yesterday, mostly WWB but also some Hornady Critical Defense.
I don't find it hard to shoot, just different... it's not a Glock 19 or M&P 9 2.0.
After some practice, I can make rapid 15 yard hits on an 8 inch steel gong just fine...maybe not as rapid as with my M&P...
I'm a 2nd generation driver... Dad had his own truck, I've always been a company driver, I never wanted the headache of being an owner operator...I been at it almost 20 years, 3 million miles, and have enjoyed it... mostly.
As a company driver I do have decent benefits and retirement... but...
I agree that Kahr is a nice option... it just wasn't quite small enough for me to hide conveniently...I looked over and handled every possible 9mm option... the Glock 43, Sig P365, the PM9, the Kimber micro 9's, the Springfield options, etc.
I really liked some of the 1911 style options, even...
I keep a "go bag" kinda thing with me... it's a Rush 24 backpack... it'll hold my Bible, a change of clothes, meds, and other things I need to take if I'm out of the truck for a couple of days (like if the truck is in the shop and I'm in a motel)... but I'm just not comfortable having a gun...
Pocket rockets... always understood they have their place in the world, just never liked the idea of depending on something so.....weak.
But, things change, situations change - and we gotta adapt or get left behind.
After my heart attack a while back I've been talking a long look at how I...
Yep ... been praying for him every day since he announced it.
Been a fan since he first started his current channel back in, I think, 2012... would have enjoyed meeting him but never have, maybe I'll see him on the other side sometime.
Both the 460 and 500 run at magnim rifle pressures....65k psi for the 460 and 60k psi for the 500.
Not just any lever can do that... the bolt thrust is hard on them.
There are some Winchester lever clones out there than do run the 460 and 500 though... VERY expensive rifles.
I'm not sure a...
I'd venture a guess that you can scratch the "unproven design" worry off the list...
Its a Marlin clone, same as Henry... looks to be an exact clone, but I haven't seen the insides of one yet so there may be some differences.
Probably a fine rifle.