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    Winchester 88

    This was my grandfathers m88 .358, then my fathers now it is in my possession. Grandad shot a lot of western Colorado elk and deer with that old rifle. The recoil is not bad and I shoot the gun once a year with factory ammo.
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    2014 Hunting Pictures

    My hunting pal Larry's 2014 muzzleloader season buck taken near Silverton Co. 29"x29"
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    Winchester Model 88 Recoil Lug

    Ditto. I believe this was the rifle.
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    Obama admits he is a Muslim

    If Jimmy Carter and Maxine Waters had a son..........
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    Why does Social Security need 174,000 bullets?

    Most every Social security office & IRS office now have an armed guard.
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    Browning Machine Gun

    Crashed Spitfires Browning Machine Gun Fires Again After 70 Years In The Ground. John Browning, the man.
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    Chets 2012 buck

    Nice buck! 62 yards with a bow :shock:
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    Allen West Speaks Out, Progressives being Communists

    Wow! I can't recall EVER hearing a national figure expose the Left with such clarity and hard hitting facts as Rep. West. His reasoning and charisma pose a clear threat to the enemies of our Republic. I fear for his safety.
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    My Moose Hunt Ended Abruptly

    Way to go DrMike! Fine looking beast right there. I did the same thing one year, shot my elk about 1/4 mile away from camp and the hunt was over just like that.
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    I'm very satisfied

    The best thing about Paul Ryan's place on the GOP ticket is that it's forcing the real Obama to come out. Obama stated that his campaign is about a "New Vision for America", which figures because he's the guy who in 2008 promised to "fundamentally Transform America". Anyone with ears heard...
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    Huge Nevada bull!

    Is this him?
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    “You didn’t build that . . .”

    Stole this from another forum. Good read. - President Obama July 27, 2012 Dear Mr. Obama, Normally when you utter something so colossally idiotic I tend to see what everyone else does and if its all been done I’m not going to throw out my opinion on the matter. The “Obama Depression” is...
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    Rifles in the field this hunting season

    Between my grandfather and father that m88 has taken more deer and elk than I can count. I can remember when I was very young tagging behind my father on hunts wishing I was old enough to hunt with that cool 88. Granddad hunted with it using open sights. When the rifle was passed to my...
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    Rifles in the field this hunting season

    Taking my a-bolt .325wsm 200 AB and for back up my m88 .358 200 AB for hunting bull elk this year.
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    Best read of the day

    This pretty much sums it up... The President says, "most people would acknowledge that I've tried real hard". —The same President that for nearly four years has blamed his own trackless failures and protracted ineffectiveness on his predecessor, President Bush, when for his first two years in...
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    A reason for a lever 45-70!

    Wow!! I knew better not to look at this topic. Now I need a 45-70 Marlin. I'll post picks of the new gun soon.
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    BHO Asks People Getting Married to Register

    This is just another low class, tasteless, crass move in a whole line of them as the President drives our nation right into his proverbial ditch. Shame on you, Mr. President. They must be absolutely desperate to ask for money meant to be for gifts. Perhaps Romney has a chance after all. This...
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    Simply put, our Justice Department has something to hide and refuses to cooperate with Congressional oversight, our President has insisted it had no involvement, yet invokes Executive Privilege. It's the cover-up that always sinks a corrupt and incompetent administration.
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    New Immigration news release!

    Desperate means for a desperate President trying everything possible to get re-elected; whether it's good for America, or not. The only reason President Obama is doing this qustionable act, is to garner votes and boost his popularity. The question American's need to ask themselves is...