Obama admits he is a Muslim

If the Gov't had any kind of a back bone, they would impeach barry for treason.

Barry should be impeached for any number of reasona and be SHOT for treason! Our whole family has been praying for God's mercy and understanding for tolerating our weakness and stupidity in electing this deviant as President in the first place.
Charlie it has been said on a number of occasions that Barry isn't as dumb as he looks. There's a reason he keeps putting more and more people on the government entitlement programs. Thats more votes for him. Once their on the government trough they'll never want to get off and will keep voting for whomever keeps the checks coming.
Regardless of vote manipulation, by weakening the economy your still cutting off your nose to spite your face, right? I am not seeing the point of presiding over an anemic, bankrupt country?
USMC, there you go being logical again. That is not what Obama is about. Obama is the same twisted Socialist control logic as Lenin had, starting a war between the White and Red factions of the Russian Army in 1917, right after the Axis (Prussians and Austrians) had beaten the crap out of the Russian army and most Russians were starving. It is called absolute political control at the absolute expense of everything! He does not care about the American people, despots never do! All despots care about is cementing their own power at the expense of everyone else. They do everything through division and discord and control.

Everything that Obama has done since January 20, 2009 is about weakening our institutions and any individuals who would oppose his socialist agengda and about creating social havoc betweens groups of American influencers whether they be Occupy leaders. Financial Leaders or Congressional leaders, Create discord and get most of the people's eye off the ball, then you can steal the ball! Read the book, Rules of a Radical by Saul Alinsky. Alinsky was a little commie, cowardly professor but so was Lenin and so was the Ayatollah Asahola in Iran. Beware of men who can not distnquish between propaganda and reality!

It is still better to be number one dictator in the number two country in the world, better than being nobody, the mulatto know nothing, in the greatest country in the world! This man is as dangerous as Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky ever were! Obama's mentor is George Soros, renounced jew, Death Camp employee of Adolph Eichmann, and billionaire Socialist, American Citizen who publically calls himself Lenin's "Little Idiot". He has made Obama and has raised $ 500 million dollars for Obama to destroy American social institutions.

We are close! If Obama is able to cheat his way through or even win honestly, this election, our day is over! Those of us in this country who are military trained and have any stones will either be killing Americans for Obama's Cultural Revolution or be killing Communists in America to fight for returning to our freedoms! I will be in the latter group!

Besides being old, I do not watch Television much except old westerns and action movies. I do read however about 20 news periodicals a day and look for out-of-context statements by opinion makers. These out of context statements mean more than all of the other rubbish that these people spew because they show that these opinion leaders do not believe their own propanganda and will say anything to prove their point, even if it contradicts what they have said before.
I wrote this a few years back when Bush was still the president so some of he comments may now be a bit dated. I still thinh they apply though.
Paul B.

This took me a couple of hours to find. It is from the August, 1946 issue of the AMERICAN RIFLEMAN. I must also be honest that in a later issue, which I'm not going to try and find, they later withdraw their comments and consider it an urban legend. However, considering the current state of affairs in this country, methinks an urban legend it ain't. My comments are in parentheses.


A. Corrupt the young. Get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, destroy their ruggedness.

(No prayer in schools. Scantily dressed rock stars such as Britney Spears. Glorified drug use.)

B. Get control of all means of publicity and thereby:

1. Get people's minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities.

(The talking heads on the alphabet stations constantly bashing the President. The obsession with football, baseball, basketball to the point of prempting regular programming. [Monday night football, etc.])

2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.

(How about hyphenated Americans, IE, Native-Americans, African-Americans, ad nausem?)

3. Destroy the people's faith in their natural leaders by holding these latter up to ridicule, obloquoy, and comtempt.

(The massive Bush-bashing by all the forms of Media, IE, radio, TV, and the newspapers.)

4.Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.

(Ain't nobody ever told them we're a Republic, and not a democracy?)

5. By encouraging government extravagance, destroy it's credit, produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.

(Look at what the talking heads on the boob tube keep saying about the deficit. Nuff said?)

6. Foment unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of the government toward such disorders.

(Fortunately, there are steps the government can take to slow down or stop strikes. Civil unrest like black neighborhoods rioting are another matter. Generally, those type riots are fomented by a small cadre of of "$h!t disturbers who leave once they've got their riot started.. It is too bad the government doesn't go after those people and properly incarcerate them.)

7. By specious arguments cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues: honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.

(Hmm! How about the supposed separation of church and state? Apparently, our courts must feel that God is a four letter word with a missing letter. Honesty? Does Ken Lay and Enron ring a bell? Sobriety? There sure is a strong movement to legalize, or at least decriminalize pot. Continence I had to look up in the dictionary, but basically, it means moderation, especially in matters of sexuality. Faith in the pledged word? Remember the old saying, "A man is only as good as his word?" Ruggedness? Had to think about that one. Notice all the play in the media where all out kids are now too obese. Sounds like their being fattened up for the kill. figuratively speaking.)


(This one is totally self explanatory.)

(The emphasis is as copied from the article which the NRA got from the New World News, February 1946.)

Read and study those "Rules for Revolution carefully and compare them with Buckshot's comments, and with what our current society is today.

As I stated earlier, the NRA later said that those rules were not valid and not for real. If that was the case, why does it mirror our society today? I did not copy the entire article, it's too long and as a two fingered typist with blind fingers, well you get my point. FWIW, those rules were discovered in Dusseldorf, Germany in 1919, according to the article.

Ain't it strange what an old geezer can dig up?

Paul B.
Well said, I was fishing for opinions on my post and received fact backed intelligent statements, well done and thank you. were on the same page pj gunner and oldtrader.
I forgot to add that note that it's straight from Karl Marx and refelcted the Democrat Party platform to a "T". Coincidence? I think not. I read somewhere, I forget where, that the American Communist Party did not run a candidate for President. When asked they said there was no reason to. The Democrats will stay in powder and Obama will win. They hit the X ring with that statement. :( :cry: Hitler said it best. "What good fortune for government that the people do not think." Another bullseye. :x
Paul B.
Carter and Waters? That is scary to contemplate! Then, so is a 60's round heels hippy and Frank Davis child!
I think it goes something like this;

"The govt. is better off when the "people" don't know or understand".

Adolph Hitler said that.
I was just listening to the apostacy and outrageous blashemy of an Obama speech from 2008. The part that got me was Obama's describing Jesus: "Sermon on the Mount" as the most outrageous and radical statement ever made! Well, Jesus Christ in my mind is the son of and the voice of God, simply and absolutely. What Jesus says is what makes my wheels turn in life, not what some pretender fool conmmitting outrageaous blashemy on public televison to pander votes!

I have been acually been waiting and praying for the "bolt from heaven" to smite this blashemous false prophet who obviously thinks he is Godlike and is a failed human being instead!

This is no longer about the people vs government, it is becoming about the people and saving their eternal souls for all Christians and Jews in the United States. We together comprise more than half of the population and muslims only have a minor percentage of that. Why should muslims run anything except the train to hell, in the event that they really want to kill us!
OT3, Well said. Shortly after he got into office, I was talking with our pastor and I made the comment that I thought he might be the Antichrist. Pastor looked at me with a strange loo on his face for a few seconds, then said, "I think you might be right." Funny thing is I still think that. Even if he isn't, he is a total disaster for our country.
Paul B.
Assuredly, his deference to and advocacy for Muslims leads one to the conviction that he is sympathetic to that religion. We certainly do not see a similar concern for Judaism or Christianity out of this administration.
PJGunner":3powbrga said:
I forgot to add that note that it's straight from Karl Marx and refelcted the Democrat Party platform to a "T". Coincidence? I think not. I read somewhere, I forget where, that the American Communist Party did not run a candidate for President. When asked they said there was no reason to. The Democrats will stay in powder and Obama will win. They hit the X ring with that statement. :( :cry: Hitler said it best. "What good fortune for government that the people do not think." Another bullseye. :x
Paul B.

I believe Norman Thomas was the last of the "great" American Socialist party candidates. He was known for stating that the party no longer needs membership, for the Democratic party under the term "liberalism" will hold all values of the socialist party and will carry their platform.
I remember Norman Thomas from when I was a kid. Thomas was an amateur compared to Obama, the First Ameirican Communist President.
The pundits (whom ever they are?) are saying that Bathouse Barrack won the second debate last night but only if you don't believe that evey word he spoke was a misrepresentation or outright lie! However, I do not think that the debate format or the moderator worked well for Romney or gave him latitude to respond to the outrageous lies of Obama.

Romney should have pressed Obama harder on the murder of our Ambassador in Libya. This was a blatent act of war and our self declared Emporer wore no clothes on this one and let it slip away from inaction and not giving a c**p. Romney should have called him out on this one as a coward and a absent leader who was more concerned about raising money.
Well said Paul. Now with that said look at us and the fall of Rome we are on the same path. We have become a service society. The government is supporting over half of the populace. We have gotten away from the capitalist ways that made this nation strong. Become the worlds police force and give to others before we take care of our own. We produce 75% of the worlds food yet we have approximately 17 million of our own people going hungry. It's a very sad existence. Close to 30% of the population is out of work, yet because of standardized computations our unemployment stands at 8.4%. The government tells us what we want to here. The stock market controls are daily lives even though it has just become a speculators game. We produce for grains today than ever before but since we sell them to other markets and buy grain from other countries we now pay for them. I won't start on the ethanol topic as it just pisses me off.