100TTSX Disappointing balistics

DF, Nice group.

Yes, I should have clarified, I was refering to very first year of BT production. Afterwords dad wrote Nosler a letter about it. Nosler wrote back saying they they had received other similar complaints, and were redesigning the bullets. They had them out the next year, I think they even sent dad of box of the new bullets, and we've never had a problem since.

As far as accuracy is concerned, that was never an issue. Even the first year run shot 1/2" groups in our guns, compared to the 1" groups we typically shot with the older solid base.

Dad shot the 130gr .277 BT, and you were shooting the 150gr .284 BT's, so there could be some difference. The 7mm could of been more robust, or your's might of been from the second year or later run. In any event, Nosler listened and fixed the problem as soon as possible.

I still have some of the old red and green, 100 bullets to the box "ballistic tip solid base" bullets.....Just not from the first year. :wink: