120 gr 7mm 08


Jan 11, 2005
i just got back from the range, and had very good luck using nosler 120 gr ballistic tips for my 7mm 08. i just want to know if anyone has used this grain on whitetails? if so what were your results?
One of my sons used it on deer and antelope. Worked great! Both animals down pronto. No excessive bullet blowup out of this caliber. Although I did have it loaded a little on the lite side so velocity was about 2800.

i have used the 120bt in a 280 rem. with great success. i also use 125gr bt in 308 win. florida deer are thin skinned so the bt gives good penetration and expansion. i have just expanded my arsenal to include a 7mm/08 so i'll know more in the next few weeks. the "nay sayers" criticize bt's for deer sized game but my experience has been one shot, drop dead kills from 280 rem,308 win, 25/06 rem(100gr), 250 ackley(100gr).
I've had excellent results with this bullet in 7 stw on muleys and whitetails over the last six years. 14 one shot kills.
Holy smokes Kevin. The 120 BT out of a 7mm STW must really be flying!! I cannot imagine it staying together on impact. Do you know what velocities you are getting?

I have a buddy that shoots the 120bt in a 7stw and thats all he shoots. He swears by it and 1 shot kills is what it does. He gets about 3620fps the last time he chronographed it. He shoots a Ruger #1 with a 26" barrel.
Great input guys. Just to let you know Ballistic Tips are designed for thin skinned game with impact velocities of 1600-3000fps. Keep up the great posts.
In response to Longwinters post, the load I'm using in this STW is 78.5 grs of IMR 4831, Federal 215 primer.120 gr BTip's, Winchester cases loaded overall length 3.583". Velocities ranged from 3690 to 3717 at 15 feet from the muzzle. This is out of a 24'' barrell. Temperature around 65 F.