120BT in a .280


Feb 14, 2005
I posted this in the hunting section, but as I didn't get many responses so I thought I'd try it here-

A couple of questions concerning the .280- I've heard that the 120 gr. BT has a tough jacket for its weight and size. How good would it do for open country deer hunting in the 280? How bad is it about bloodshooting meat? My 2nd question is why is the 280 data in the last Nosler manual or two or three given for a 26" barrel? Wouldn't a 22" or 24" have been a bit more applicable?

Thanks in advance
i load 120gr NBT for deer in florida. we have had great sucess with it. a properly placed shot will not blood-shoot meat significantly. however if you strike heavy bone at close range the bullet will fly apart and make a mess. imho the 120gr NBT is an excellent whitetail bullet. it is also moa accurate.
#1 .280 in my expierence, 140gr Partition.absolutely fantastic on <200lb whitetails. go 150 in ballistic tip.
#2 to inflate data, or for the custom itch!
In Nosler #5 Ron Spomer liked the .284/140 Partition for the 280 Remington. And the .284/140gr Ballistic Tip will give you higher BC, flatter trajectory and good terminal performance on deer at longer ranges. As for question #2 that 26" barrel was what we had on hand at the time of load work up. If your barrel is shorter then subtract 30fps per inch of barrel for an estimate of velocity change. I hope that helps.