170gr Partition Expansion velocities?


Dec 5, 2010
I know that Partitions are rated for a minimum of 1800fps for good expansion, but is this also true for the 30-30 class 170gr Partition flatnose?

The fifth edition Nosler manual states that it will expand well out to 200 yards, which seems to indicate it will expand to down around 1600fps.

Just looking for a number so I can figure out hot I need to load. The minimum load velocities are already under 1800fps, so it's not unimportant. And with 110 year old rifles, I'd rather not load them any hotter than I need to.

Welcome to the forum.
Due to the round nose and that chunk of exposed lead the 170 NP was in fact designed with lower speeds in mind. Use without any worries!
I never really thought of trying the 170gr PT out in my wifes 308. For woods ranges it would probably be pretty awesome... Scotty
The 30-30 170 gr PT is designed to expand down to 1800 fps impact velocity.

That would be a super bullet in a 300 Savage or 308 in the close woods type hunting I believe. Scotty
JD338, expanding down to 1800fps is true of all Partitions according to their info, but it conflicts with what the loading manual says that the 170gr is good for. Can't be good for expanding to 200 yards out of a 30-30 AND only expand at 1800fps and higher. 30-30 velocities hits 1800fps at just over 100 yards and drop quickly.

POP, do we know a minimum speed it will expand at?

And Scotty, quite a few of my 300 Savages like the 180gr Partitions and it does a serious smack down on whitetails. I'm actually asking about the 170gr because I want to take it out in an old Savage 1899 in 303 Savage.

300 Savage rocks! This year's take with 99EG and 180gr Partition.

Good looking deer taken with a good looking classic rifle. Congratulations.

I asked Nosler yesterday while on the phone with them and the answer was 1800 fps, sorry.

Nice Savage 99! In 300 Savage, its an American classic.

Thanks very much on that info. I can keep the first shot to 100yds or under, but I really want to make sure any longer followup shots don't pencil through. Good thing about slower 30 bullets is that non-premium bullets are usually perfectly adequate. I just prefer to use the Partitions if they are appropriate.

Good hunting!

I am with you, when in doubt, shoot a PT.

I will ask the question again because you are right, the RG #6 does mention good out to 200 yds which would indicate a impact velocity lower than 1800 fps.

The 170 gr PT would be perfect in your 300 Savage. :wink:

I worked up a load for my model 99 300 savage, using the 170gr Partition. 2400fps and plenty accurate out to 100yds with open sights. Some day a bear or cougar will get in my sights in the cascades and i'll get to test them. Not the bullet i would chose for a scoped 300sav but open sights under 100yds it should be a good choice.

Another bullet to consider is the Nosler 30-30 150 gr BST which is designed to open up down to 1600 fps impact velocity. That will get you out past 200 yds.

Man, I never thought of that bullet for the 300 Sav! Now I need to get one! Scotty
I bet it would be a hot ticket in the 307 Winchester or the new 308 Marlin Express also! Scotty
I have been using the 125 ballistic tip in a 308 win @ 3000 fps and a 30X47 HBR @ 2850 fps(300 Savage case with shoulder pushed back 10 thousands) rifles and a Contender pistol 30-30AI @ 2670 fps and it hammers deer out to 300 yards so far. I have killed around 25 or so deer with the 125 BT and I have only had two take a step after being hit. These only went 30 yards.
That does sound like a great load! I need to grab some of them for the 308! Scotty
I am wanting to use this load out of a Savage 1899 in 303 Savage, so I could definitely use the 125gr bullets. It just doesn't seem right to put spitzers into this classy old rifles. :lol:

Here's the rifle, gray old girl made in 1901 but still shooting tiny little groups.

Thanks for the info, guys.


The Model 99 is a handsome rifle, and for such an old one, that one is especially attractive.
DrMike":1vf9i052 said:

The Model 99 is a handsome rifle, and for such an old one, that one is especially attractive.

I echo what Mike said. That looks like a sharp rifle. I know I would like to have an M99 for my safe, preferably a 300 Sav, but a 250 Savage would do also! Scotty