2 new speer bullets ?

I read a small article somewhere about the new bearclaw. Guns & Ammo T.V. also did a segment on the bearclaw last week.
Wow, it seems that the "good 'ol days" are here and now!
There are all kinds of new calibers and bullets. :grin:

Boddington did a short write up on them. Hate to see the price on the tipped Bear Claws! :shock:
More bullet choices is good, it forces everyone to make a more consistant, accurate bullet & competition helps keep the price in line, which is high enough with lead being so extreme in price.

Concerning lead prices, I sell forklifts & industrial products. The Industrial batteries for the electric lifttrucks are big & pricey. For example, a 36 volt
battery for a small, 3-wheel electric was about $2,400.00 2 years ago. I priced some last week & they are now $4,700.00 each. I mention this just to let you know that it is not just the bullet folks raising prices because they can, the lead is truly crazy now.
It's funny how it has taken them so long to catch up to Nosler with the plastic tip bullets. Seems everyone has to have them.

well I dont have to have them....The first gen Trophy Bonded Bear Claw were to pricey for me, and only in a bag of 25. I cant imagine what the newer tipped ones would cost. I will stick to what works for me, Accubonds and Gamekings. IMHO "I" just cant justify useing spendy bullets, when lesser works when used properly...