2017 field report


Ammo Smith
Dec 13, 2013
This year I had very little to do with our big game hunts as we had pheasant hunters at the same times. I did get called after dark to track a liver shot deer and a liver shot elk. The deer we bumped, I tracked him to the river so we came back in the morning, found him in the river.
The cow was an easy track. I got up there about 1930 hours. Found her about 70 yards from where the guys quit at dark.
I did get to do a lot of skinning, hence my observations; took very few pictures.
Deer were taken with:
243 - 95 grain BT DRT 60 yards. Through both legs and heart. Lot of blood shot.
257 B- 120 gr PT, DRT, north to south, exiting the ham, DRT. 380 yards. Lost about five pounds of meat.
6.5 Creedmore. I think it was a 129 gr. SST. Both shoulders, DRT. 250 yards, pretty damn messy. Really nice 4x4.
7-08 140gr. AB shot through the liver. The deer went 150 yards, died crossing the river. 100 yard shot.
7mm Remington. 175gr Barnes; DRT, 250 yards. High shoulder, small deer, almost zero blood shot, exit wound was about the diameter of my thumb.
30-06- 180 SST, in the crease, got a rib on each side, 286 yards, messy
The SST guys will be shooting Nosler's next year or I'm not helping.
3006, 180 gr Partition, 250 yards; meat buck three point mule deer. Right between the eyes. DRT my little brother is a show off.
Out of time I'll get elk and bear done tonight.

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Great report. I like to see real world feedback!! Hard to beat those Nosler's, and that's my experience as well with them. E-tip, Partition, or AccuBond is what I gravitate to although many have had great success with the BT. I do prefer the first three though.
I did find a pic of the fork horn shot with the 243. Again, lacking Guys skill my photo leaves something to the imagination. Deer is flat on his back, front legs out to the side with the head to the right.IMG_1690.JPG

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That is some impact! I do find your observations to be insightful and highly suggestive. They provide a strong argument for bullet integrity is meat preservation is in sight.
Wow, a lot of lost meat there? I've used a .243 w/the 100 gr. NPT, but don't remember seeing anything like that?

Nice write up though.

Thanks SC
The shoulders were actually in pretty good shape, there was no saving the brisket however. That particular load and rifle has accounted for quite a few deer, left us all shaking our heads. That bullet hit both legs and the sturnum. My guess is most of the damage was induced by high velocity bone fragments.
Generally I agree, heavy heavily constructed bullets damage less meat but given the number of variables, the minute you start talking in absolutes, you are going to be surprised.

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Thanks for the report (y). I am really quite naive with other bullets as I have used Nosler for well over 30 years :wink:.
Photos do tell a story.

Good info! Thanks.

I was fortunate to put the 115 gr Ballistic Tip through the ribs of my buck at about 212 yards. Lost a little rib meat and not much else. Exit wound was maybe an inch diameter, roughly. Used the 25-06 of course.

Was your hunter with the 7mm and the 175 Barnes hunting primarily for elk? That's a LOT of bullet for a buck! Tremendous penetration with something like that, but I wouldn't expect much expansion, particularly on a small deer.

Glad you were able to recover the elk and the deer!

That's a pretty good season, congratulations. Glad you recovered the deer and elk. High velocity BT vs Big bones = lots of trauma.

Guy, he was primarily interested in harvesting a cow. His life is very complicated he didn't want to complicate his life while hunting.

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salmonchaser":1zd3k8gr said:
Guy, he was primarily interested in harvesting a cow. His life is very complicated he didn't want to complicate his life while hunting.

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Roger that. It looked more like an elk load, and it appears to have done just fine on the deer as well.

Gets around to the old argument of killing them dead or deader.
He did kill a cow, right at 300 yards DRT.

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