22-250 with 52gr CC


Dec 2, 2010
Is any one using the 52gr CC in a 22-250? I loaded some up with Varget yesterday. I set them so that they were .225" into the neck which leaves me with a .095" jump to the lands. I hope they shoot as well as the Vmax out of this rifle.
My load was a charge of around 36gr of h380 at a 100 yards it was a one hole wonder never tried another powder after that load. I'm sure varget will work just fine those 52gr ncc are impressive.
Dad shoots the very similar 52 & 53 gr Sierra hp match bullets from his .22-250, over H380, with very good results. I think he was 82 or so when he shot this group at 100 yards from his Rem 700:

Many people seem to get excellent results with the lighter bullets from the .22-250. His rifle didn't shoot the plastic tip 55 grain bullets at all well, but does good with the shorter 52/53 gr hollow points.


I feel like I had to seat them really deep so that I could get at least .224" of the bullet into the neck. I try to keep at least the caliber number inside the neck. .308 bullets get seated so at least .308 of the bullet is inside the case. I don't count the boat tail part of the bullet. What are your thoughts?
I don't find myself bound by the arbitrary rule of seating bullets to at least caliber depth.

It's a guideline. You may find good results elsewhere.

Just remember that if you seat them very shallow, the bullets can get off-kilter more easily.

Shoot what you've got, and adjust as necessary. The .22-250 is normally a very accurate cartridge.
