.22 question


Aug 15, 2006
at what range do you normally sight in a scope for a .22. I bought a 77.22 yeaterday to help my son get over a flinch, (and to have a new squrrel gun) 8)
My .22 rim fires are sighted dead on at 50 yds.


I think 50 yds is a good sight zero, 100 yds is doable but mid range trajectory make those close shots on small targets tougher.

50 yds is the way to go.

For hardwood forest where I hunt I like 100 feet for the zero, 125 max.
Most of my shots are from 20 yards to say 30 yards and are either when the squirrels up in the tops say 70 foot tops, or coming down the tree to the forest floor. I would rather aim high for a long shot than have a mid-range trajectory that I might miss with on a 10-20 yards shot.

So it depends on where and what your hunting. Some where from 30-50 yards is pretty good. I also use standard velocity ammo for sqirrel hunting for its low noise (all things to consider).