223 w/55g NBT/Benchmark results


Nov 17, 2005
Made up 4 loads last night and shot them out of my Ruger Target 223 w/26" barrel.

Powder was Benchmark, bullets were 55g NBTs and some 55g bulk SPs a buddy gave me. Winchester brass, CCI 450 mag primer, 2.280"

Loaded 5 shot groups at 24.5 and 25 with both bullets.

I forgot my lead sled and bipod so I had to shoot off a rolled up coat off the bench. Was still pretty steady, but not near as steady as I would have liked or could have been for load work. Either way, still give me an idea of what I was doing.

24.5g w/55 NBT shot the best group at .87".....Had 4 in a cluster of .5" and the typical lone wolf opened her up from not experimenting enough yet :) Average velocity 3150fps. Seems I'm 150fps slower then the ol nosler book and I've got 2" more barrel lol. Will any powder really get 3300fps out of a 24" barreled 223??? Benchmark shows to be fastest, so just curious to those who have a lot more experience with a 223 then myself.

25g w/55 NBT shot just a hair over 1"

24.5 and 25 with the 55g SPs didn't fare so well, they were running right at 1.5-1.75" Horrible.

You did right well off your coat. That gives you a somewhat more accurate assessment of what the potential for the field might be.
I use Benchmark in the 223 with superb results. I went with the 50gr bullets for the extra velocity and acrobatics provided by such unfortunate squirrels.
Benchmark has worked very well for me in the .223 shooting 50- grain bullets. I have had no trouble reaching 3350 fps. The powder flows and meters real well out of my Uni-Flow also, which is important to me in loading .22 centerfires that are not barrel burners.
Good shooting Jorey.

Almost,,,,,almost bought a Ruger 77VT in 25-06 last week.

Alas great rifle but I despise the stock for BG hunting.

26.9 gr. Varget gave me 3250 w/55gr V-max's and decent groups. .5 gr. over Hornady book. Okay in my 24" barrel, used CCI 450's. Don't like the CCI 400's cuz I think they have thin cups and flatten and crater weird with the same loads.
I tried Varget, H335 and Benchmark from 40 to 55 gr. bullets. Outstanding groups w/Benchmark and the 40 grainers. Since I punch paper and prairie dogs, that's my standard load right now.
I like the Ruger varmint rifles. Had a few of em from 223, 22-250, 220 swift, 243 and they've all been 1/2 MOA shooters with the right load without to much hassle. Dont really care for any other ruger rifles however.

I really like the stock for a varmint/LR rifle and the 2 stage trigger is decent enough from the factory. I actually like it.

I have a bit of varget I could try, thought it might be a bit slow for the 223 but its worth a shot I suppose.

My favorite bullet/load is also with the 40g vmax and benchmark from this same rifle. WIth 28g benchmark and 40g vmax, Im averaging 3800fps and 10 shot group I can cover with a quarter at 100 yards, and thats not tinkering at all with seating depth. This is only my squirrel and calling/truck rifle so its only gonna get shot out to 300-350 MAX. I wanted flat shooting and splat factor. previous experience with the 40 vmax in my old 222 at 3500fps showed it was fully capable of wacking dogs at 300-350 and turning squirrels to red mist out to couple hundred yards. So I think the extra 300fps wont hurt to much on dogs, and still be great on squirrels.

I just wanted to see what I could get from the 55s and maybe have an alternate heavier load for coyotes just in case, or for 500 yard practice on the gongs and not cut wind drift down a bit, little more energy...

However from what I'm seeing, theres no advantage to using a 55 at 3150-3200fps vs my 40g load at 3800. Main difference I was interested in was wind drift between the 2, but its pretty much identical.

I'll stick with the 40s once I use up these 55s for sure.
I would probably get it if I can find an aftermarket sporter style drop in stock.
I have the same gun and shoot the 52 grain custom comps with H335 at 26.9 grains and a Rem 7 1/2 primer in Hornady brass. Its a very consistent shooter, putting down .360 - .450 groups (100 yards) all day long.

Fotis, the action is the same as the MKII and Hawkeye but you would have to open up the barrel channel. I have one of the Hawkeye Predators in .22-250 with the same trigger but a lighter barrel. Its an excellent combination.
The 2 stage VT trigger will fit into a hawkeye stock without mods?
I just went and checked and all that needs to be done is in the front of the trigger on the regular hawkeye the stock is cut at a light angle and on the VT its cut straight down. So a pretty simple mod to the stock. The VT stock fits the regular hawkeye without any problem.
I'm gonna tinker around 24-24.5 and then seat em .010" deeper each time try tighten things up a bit. 2.280" is pretty much limit in my magazine so thats where I started. I think she'll tighten up a bit anyways with some seating depth changes.

Not a big fan of ball powder but I read a lot of good things about h335. If I ever come across any I'm sure I'll try it.
I know I've used a fair bit of Benchmark in the past. For these small cartridges I really prefer ball powders. It is really frustrating to have powder bridge in the neck or powder measure and spill.

I like Ramshot TAC for the heavier bullets, and it works well even with the 55 grainers. To me it is a little dirtier burning powder though, H335 barely even tarnishes the neck.

GI Brass has 8lb jugs of WC844 which is H335 for $100 so that makes it pretty cheap to work with.
I used to use Benchmark in my R-15 with the 40 gr bt. Shot very well. I never tried any of the heavier bullets though. I think I was using 28.5 gr.


Sure did the number on a lot of critters around the farm.
My 700SPS love 24.9grs of Benchmark behind a 52gr bullet. Berger HPV and A-Max is what I have put through it so far. At 3270fps it is not maxed out but its accuracy is perfect.