243 90gr E-tip


Apr 16, 2007
Since the 6mm AccuBond won't be out for awhile I picked up a box of 90gr E-tips to try.
How are they doing for you guys and what load are you using?


I haven't used the 6mm 90 gr E-Tip yet but remember to use mid range data as your max. Best accuracy seems to be found with a lot of jump. Start out at .100" off the lands.

In my son's 6mm Remington we are using the 90 gr. E-tip with H100V Hodgdon powder. It shoots really well and he's taken deer, antelope, and this year a nice fat cow elk! The 90 gr. E-tip too her right behind her right shoulder and exited out the center of her left shoulder and his cow only went 25-30 yards before she dropped.

I was careful working up the load, but am real impressed with the bullet.
JD, thanks for the reminder. My Winchester has a long throat so I can seat them to magazine length and I'm still .100" off the rifling.
6mm, sounds like this is a really good bullet if my rifle likes it.
I plan on starting load development with H4831SC.

6mm Remington":3479p2se said:
Randy is that 90 gr. going to be used in a 243 Winchester or 6mm Remington? Just curious.
243. I guess I should have put that in my original post.
Those senior moments are occurring more and more frequently :oops: :oops:
Finally got out to try the 90gr E-tip, Short range time due to heavy winds.
I did get some down range before it got really crappy.
Winchester featherweight 243 win 22" barrel
Tried 90E-Tip/H4350 with not so good results, 3.75"-4.00" groups and pressure signs before I got to 3000FPS.
Did get some Barnes 85TSX/H4350 shot with good results so far. 1" groups and 3050FPS no pressure signs yet.
Everything so far is .100" off lands, will play with depth if they show some promise.
Did not get to finish due to the wind.
Got some more loaded up with different powders to try out soon, Went with slower powders
Maybe that H100V would work for you like it did for me too! Who knows, it's always a crap shoot! I had good luck in my 6mm with H4831SC also and think that would be a good one too. Let us know how it shapes up!
Trying: H100V, H4831sc, H1000,
Also Retumbo which is way too slow but I have some sitting here.

I've found slower powders to work better under the E-Tips in the two rifles I've tried them. I use IMR7828ssc in my 270Wby, and I tried H1000 and IMR7828 in the 300Wby, as well. Did not tinker with seating depth in the 300, and accuracy was not stellar (2"+ at 100yds to start) but with the 270Wby I had similar results and then tweaked it down to around .7" at 100 for three shots via seating depth changes. The 300Wby rounds were seated to magazine length, but I'm revisiting that with RL25 and shorter COL if I can ever get to the range.

E-Tips are finicky, but they do work wonderfully on game if your rifle likes them. I'm thinking I may try them over H4350 in a 243Win BAR I have, just because I'd like to load something sturdy in it for white-tails. I may also move over to the AccuBond if these don't work, or maybe the 85gr Hornady Interbond.
velvetant":leuo28u4 said:
Trying: H100V, H4831sc, H1000,
Also Retumbo which is way too slow but I have some sitting here.


Randy, I am thinking Woodycreek has had some excellent luck with Retumbo in his 243AI. Can't see it being totally bad at all. I think he was doing 3100 with 105gr AMAXS. Scotty
I got out yesterday and the E-tips did much better with H1000 and Retumbo, I was getting 1.3"-1.5" groups.
Going to try playing with seating depth. I'm .100" off the lands for testing.
My Winchester has a long throat, Seating E-tips to my mag length of 2.800" gives me the .100" jump.
Tried 85gr TSX and was getting 1.0"-1.5" groups so I'll play with them a little.
Also tried 85gr NPT, 85gr Sierra BTHP, 80gr NBT and the Hornady 87 BTHP with not much success.
Powders so far are H4350, H100V, H4831sc, H1000 and Retumbo.
I've also got some RE25 to try since the slower powders seemed to do well with the E-tips
The 95gr Combined Tech BT seems to be doing ok, not great but usable.
Picked up some 100gr pills from various manufacturers to try this weekend.

I also played with my 270WSM and some 150gr Speer hot cores. H1000 and RE25 did well.
Retumbo and VVN165 did not due well.

I know this does not count for the one shot game we are playing but I got 6 water filled gallon milk jugs at 500 yards.
3 different guns shooting off my back pack with two shots each, 6 shots total and six dead jugs. 243AI, 270WSM and 300Win Mag.
Slight wind 5-7 mph and a cloudless day, The first nice day we have had since last year and I have the sun burn to prove it. :grin:
That is some fine shooting! I have had great luck with H1000 in my 243 with any bullet 95gr or heavier.

What kind of fps are you getting out of the 270 WSM with H1000?
jmad_81":32s895kz said:
That is some fine shooting! I have had great luck with H1000 in my 243 with any bullet 95gr or heavier.

What kind of fps are you getting out of the 270 WSM with H1000?
What bullets do you shoot with H1000? I have a 1-10" twist so I don't think I can shoot an A-max. Recommended 1-9" twist or faster I believe.
I did not have the chrono out , Just loaded up 5 middle weight charges to see if they showed promise.
Will load some more up and chrono this weekend and get back to you.

It shoots the 95 VLD .5 MOA @ 3150 ish , the 105 Amax, and 107 NCC .3 MOA @ 3030, and 3003 fps. These are our of a 1-9.25" twist 26" savage.
Don't give up yet. IMR4350 is real close to H4350, but maybe if you have some of it maybe it will like it! :) Like I said, my boys 6mm with the 90 gr. likes the H100V. Keep us updated, and that's great shooting!
velvetant":25qskgm2 said:
I got out yesterday and the E-tips did much better with H1000 and Retumbo, I was getting 1.3"-1.5" groups.
Going to try playing with seating depth. I'm .100" off the lands for testing.
My Winchester has a long throat, Seating E-tips to my mag length of 2.800" gives me the .100" jump.
Tried 85gr TSX and was getting 1.0"-1.5" groups so I'll play with them a little.
Also tried 85gr NPT, 85gr Sierra BTHP, 80gr NBT and the Hornady 87 BTHP with not much success.
Powders so far are H4350, H100V, H4831sc, H1000 and Retumbo.
I've also got some RE25 to try since the slower powders seemed to do well with the E-tips
The 95gr Combined Tech BT seems to be doing ok, not great but usable.
Picked up some 100gr pills from various manufacturers to try this weekend.

I also played with my 270WSM and some 150gr Speer hot cores. H1000 and RE25 did well.
Retumbo and VVN165 did not due well.

I know this does not count for the one shot game we are playing but I got 6 water filled gallon milk jugs at 500 yards.
3 different guns shooting off my back pack with two shots each, 6 shots total and six dead jugs. 243AI, 270WSM and 300Win Mag.
Slight wind 5-7 mph and a cloudless day, The first nice day we have had since last year and I have the sun burn to prove it. :grin:

Randy, I have had great luck with IMR7828 and RL22 in my 270WSM with the 150gr PT's and BT's. Getting 3100 out of them. A little more for the PT's but both are in the same ballpark and they are pretty accurate also. Scotty

This is one of my 150gr BT / RL22 targets.

Another 150gr BT target during load work up.

Here is one with a IMR7828 and RL22. Pretty decent for PT's. This is my go to load in the 270WSM.

I think H1000 would be a great powder as well. Just never tried it. Scotty
I just took some measurements of the 100gr bullets I got for my 243.
The design of the Sierra 100gr Pro hunter and Hornady 100gr Spirepoint is such that I can seat them .015 off the lands and still fit in my magazine.
They are both a flat base.
I have high hopes for these bullets. Everything else I've tried is at least .080", but they were lighter bullets
Got some Speer 100gr BTSP but because of the bt design I have to seat them a .135" off the lands just to get it seated half way down the neck.
I know bullets can still be very accurate with a big jump but so far this rifle has not proven to be that way.

Those are some really good groups you got there.
With what I've seen with the 150gr Speers I may have to get a box of 150gr Partitions to try out.

Randy, I love the PT's in the 270WSM. Really takes it to another class. It really rivals anything the 7RM can do and has a great bullet to boot. I need to get it out and shoot it some more. Haven't really had it out on the range in awhile. Scotty