.243 Win + 80 GMX


May 12, 2006
I got a good deal on some Hornady 80gr GMX and since I have never used them I was curious if any of you guys have? I have a load with the 80ttsx and imr4350 @ 45.5grs that shoots really good, but I don't have data on the GMX. I see some places say to treat it like the E-tip and start them light and others say regular 80gr C&C load data will work. I have h4895, imr4350, h4350, h4831, h1000 on hand.

Hornady says to use the sst data for the same weight/ or next up closest to the weight of gmx. I would stick with the IMR 4350 and drop down a few grs from where you were and work back up.
Curious how this plays out....my father is hot on the idea of a 243, and wants to maybe run the GMX bullets. Curious what results you get. Keep us posted! :)
Fyi..I have hornadies latest manual. For most bullets they group the gmx w/bullets of the same wt but in the case of this bullet they list the 80 gmx on its own.
They don't list I 4350 but here are some other 4350 class powders...

H4350. Max 41.8
Re17. 42.1
760. 42.3
These wts are about 2 grains under their normal 80 grain data.
not to steal your post but does anyone know if the 80gr GMX will work with a 244 Remington with a 1-12 twist??
Thanks guys, kraky - thanks for the info from the manual.

velvetant - I don't have any infront of me yet but I rekon they are a long bullet so I don't know if the 1-12" would run'em good.
By gosh...if you go to hodgdon.com they list the 80 gmx with their data. Their data is even a bit milder than hornady and once again about 2 grains under other cup n core.
I had a Hodgdon emailed saved with all their info and it didn't list the GMX but now they have it listed. I guess what I had was old data.
I started working with the 80GMX yesterday from my 24" ADL in .243 Win. I seated the bullet to the middle of the top groove and started loading H4831 behind it. As charges went up things began to tighten up, 44.7grs shot a nice 1.5" triangle @ 115yds. 45.2grs H4831 shot a nice .7" triangle for 3 shots and then shot a nice 1" cluster for 5 shots @ 115yds, load work complete.