My son and I have had great results with the 95 gr Ballistic Tip from his 22" 6mm Rem.
Quite the series of one-shot kills on mule deer & whitetail from roughly 40 or 50 yards out to 300 yards. The bullet usually exits. We finally recovered one this past season.
I'm not sure you can go wrong with the 90 or 95 gr bullet... I'd choose the one your rifle shoots best!
I hadn't ever heard much of anything about the 90 gr NBT but I got a bunch from shootersproshop and found they shot well through my 6-250 I decided to run em through something meaty.
My good friend shot a nice fat doe at point-blank range with one this past fall. The muzzle velocity was 3k w/ RL15 & it hit the deer in the right side of the brisket quartering-to and exited near the rear ribs. That is a tough path for any bullet, and it did a fine job. I'll definitely use em more in the future!
As Jim said, I'd be happy w/ whichever one your rifle likes.
Yeah, I've long since come to the conclusion that the Nosler Ballistic Tip is my favorite deer bullet.
Almost always get an instant kill, plenty of expansion, plenty of penetration and superb accuracy.
It's just a choice of which Ballistic Tip... Which is exactly where the OP started. And all I can tell him is that they work. Use the one you and your rifle prefer.
Loaded the 90gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips for a Savage Striker Handgun in .243. Unfortunately the only thing I ever shot with them was paper.
I loaded the 95gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips over H-4350 for a Ruger KM77RFP MKII .243. Man that rifle loved that load and would produce 3 shot cloverleafs from the bench at 100 yards with amazing regularity. Muzzle velocity was 3071 FPS and every single Whitetail shot with that bullet ended up in the freezer. A couple took a few steps but most dropped in their tracks. None needed a second shot.
If I was to buy a new .243 tomorrow that'd be one of the first combinations I would try in it.