25-06, MRP, and 110 bullets


Oct 6, 2009
I hope I don't regret this but I picked up some Norma MRP. I've been wanting to try RL23 and from what I've read MRP is a more consistent RL22, maybe a little faster. I have some new Sierra 110 TGK I'd like to use. I am feeling like I'm in uncharted territory, but hoping I could even start with some 110 ELD-Xs or Accubonds to get a feel for the powder and then approach that data with caution with the TGKs. Any advice appreciated!
MRP is a great powder for your combination. I have a quick load from someone on the board that shows max load 58.1 grs at 100% of useable case capacity and 3280 fps at 62000 psi. Crank er down a few grains for safety and give it a try. This with an AccuBond only diff.
Thanks Bruce good to hear! It looks like a good powder. Just to be cautious I am going to reach out in the QuickLoad thread to see if someone can give me info for my 22" barrel
Well, that's gonna' be difficult. Buy your favourite hunting buddy a cool beverage and relive some of your best hunts. That'll do.
I’ve not used MRP but I have URP. Sportsman’s had it for $15/lb last year. I should have bought it all. Excellent powder along the lines of 4350. I wouldn’t hesitate to use MRP either for the appropriate cartridges.

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bob_dobalina":1k1x0ey7 said:
I hope I don't regret this but I picked up some Norma MRP. I've been wanting to try RL23 and from what I've read MRP is a more consistent RL22, maybe a little faster. I have some new Sierra 110 TGK I'd like to use. I am feeling like I'm in uncharted territory, but hoping I could even start with some 110 ELD-Xs or Accubonds to get a feel for the powder and then approach that data with caution with the TGKs. Any advice appreciated!
Supposedly Norma sells it's powder to Alliant so the reloader powders are actually Norma that didn't meet their quality standards. Alliant may add extra to the powder to change it a little.
I use MRP in two 270's, one is my wife's and one belongs to a friend...its a good powder for anything up to a 7mm bullet in an 06 case, and I've heard it works pretty good even in the 30-06 itself, with bullets over 200 grains.

I've played around with it in the 280 Ackley too, if I ran out of RL 26 I could make MRP work in it just fine.

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After the EU changed the rules here in Europe, I switched from IMR4831 & IMR4350 to Viht.N560 after some research & testing.
It works brilliantly in my .25-06Rem. Stunning performance, meters easily & consistent in MV & ES.
I get 3120fps with the 110gn AB bullet & terrific accuracy (22" barrel).
What more to say.... if you can get it, try it.