25-06 ??


May 25, 2009
I started working up some loads for my Mossberg 4x4 25-06 that I bought,and I've got a question.I'm using 100 gr. nosler b.t. bullets.When I seat them to S.A.A.M.I. Overall length of 3.250 they are hitting the lands and it's pushing the bullet back to 3.233. Will it be safe to seat them around 3.225-3.230 ?? I've check my dial caliber to make sure it was reading correct and it is.I've never run into this problem,so I thought I would see what you guys thought.This gun must have a short throat.
If you are actually touching the rifleing and pushing back bullets I would seat them as you suggest. As for a load I use Ken Waters pet load of 56grs of IMR4831 and it is super accurate and fast in my Ruger M77 with 100gr par or BT bullets. No extraction problems. Took a nice pronghorn with it last time I hunted.
I was going to use Retumbo starting at 59 grains and working up to 61 to see which shot the best,but I think I will just go with IMR 4350. I just don't won't to compress the Retumbo that much.
hot dog. You can measure your lands with a tool from hornady or another method. I take a neck sized case and slit the neck. Make sure the bullet slides with a little resistance. Place the bullet into the case and load it in ur rifle. Close the bolt and it will seat the bullet into the case. You can measure the OAL of the cartridge and that is where that bullet touches the lands. I usually do this 10 times and use the average measurement. Then usually load anywhere between .010 and .050 off the lands. Good luck!
I tried seating the bullet near magazine length and couldn't get the bolt to lock down,so I seated them to what the book listed at 3.250 as max.O.A.L.,and could get it to lock down with some resistance.But when I ejected the shell and measured it,the bullet would be pushed back to 3.233 and you could see marks around the bullet from the lands hitting it.So I'm going to try them at 3.225 and see how it shoots there.
if I remember right you can get 60 in there without too much compression using retumbo
I want to thank you guys for your help.I've only been reloading for about a year and I don't have anyone that lives near me that reloads,so what I've learned has been from forums like this one and books that I've read.I have some loads worked up using IMR 4350 starting from 48gr. up to 51gr. If one of these don't work out I'll give the Retumbo a try.

Count on us here to help you, we are a mouse click away. :lol:

Let us know how the loads shoot with IMR 4350.

CAhunter":18fy9zpc said:
hot dog. You can measure your lands with a tool from hornady or another method. I take a neck sized case and slit the neck. Make sure the bullet slides with a little resistance. Place the bullet into the case and load it in ur rifle. Close the bolt and it will seat the bullet into the case. You can measure the OAL of the cartridge and that is where that bullet touches the lands. I usually do this 10 times and use the average measurement. Then usually load anywhere between .010 and .050 off the lands. Good luck!

This is the way to do it without gadgets!

If it were me, I'd be trying Retumbo first. The 4350s will work, but I personally think you'd be best off with powders no faster-burning than H4831. Hodgdon's Extreme line and the Ramshot powders are far less temperature sensitive also---which does not seem to matter much to some, but if you can have that, why not? Ramshot's only powder I would try is Magnum. It's a very slow one, temperature insensitive, and meters through a powder measure as well as any I have tried (it's spherical).
I agree with RR

I look at is as if all else fails got to 4350 as a last resort but I like to try things more exotic and with maybe more FPS
Have had excellent results with H4350 and 100 grain bullets, no problem at all exceeding 3300 fps mv with very good accuracy.

With the 115's I decided to try the slower burning Retumbo and was rewarded with very good 3200 fps mv as well as excellent long range accuracy.

Years ago I had a .25-06 Ruger Number One that was breathtakingly accurate with H4831 and 100 grain Sierra Gamekings. I was hard up for money and sold it...
Don't leave out IMR7828ssc or Norma MRP-2, RL-25 when loading 115's or heavier. 7828 and 115 Ballistic Tip's tuned my very short-throated tang-safety Ruger from just acceptable to stellar as far as groups are concerned. If I had more time to spend at the bench with this gun, or a different 25-06, Retumbo would be one to consider.
Dont worry about compressed loads with Retumbo, its perfectly normal.

I used 60.5g of Retumbo in my 24" shilen barreled 700 25-06 and got 1/2 MOA and 3500fps.

Theres an endless supply of powder that works great in the 25-06. I've done far more loading with it then any others combined over the last 10 years.

I just happen to give Retumbo a try in my latest 25-06 and glad I did. Before I was using IMR4831 or 4350 with 100g's and getting 1/2-3/4 MOA but velocity was 3300-3400, instead of 3500 with Retumbo.

As for your seating depth, start about .010" off the lands and go from there. Mine were seated to 3.250" and were right at the lands, but every chamber is a bit different.
I finally got to shoot it yesterday.I tried the IMR 4350. It shot the best with 51 grains with no high pressure signs.I could cover 3 shots with a quarter at 100 yards.I'm going to load up some Retumbo and give it a try also,but I think this gun is going to turn out to be a good shooter.
Any idea on velocity??

3 shots under a quarter will definately do the trick!

Nothing wrong with IMR4350 in the 25-06. I personally dont use much IMR powders anymore, I made the switch to Hodgons extreme line to help with consistency.
remingtonman_25_06":3u3u46uq said:
Any idea on velocity??

3 shots under a quarter will definately do the trick!

Nothing wrong with IMR4350 in the 25-06. I personally dont use much IMR powders anymore, I made the switch to Hodgons extreme line to help with consistency.

I don't have a chrono,so I couldn't tell you the speed.I'm still going to work up some loads with Retumbo,and if I can get the accuracy out of it,that is the powder I'm going to use.
Again I want to thank all of you guys for you help,and I'll let you know how the loads with Retumbo shoot.