.25 Caliber 110Gr. Accubond in the Field


Nov 28, 2007
A couple of years ago I went to south-west Wyoming on a Mule Deer hunt. I had my Remington 721 in .25-06 with handloaded 110gr Accubonds. It was a harder hunt than expected, however, I did get a buck. While topping a ridge my buddy and I jumped two bucks. The shots came at about 200 yards. Both bucks were running quartering away. My first shot hit the offside leg, just under the brisket causing minimal damage. Second shot missed and third shot entered just behind the last rib and lodged in the second veritbrea (near the skull). The buck dropped right there. Damage was significant and penetration was very good. The bullet had lodged so deeply in the bone I could not recover it. This load is very accurate in my rifle as well.

October 2nd of this year I found myself back in Wyoming after Antelope this time with the same rifle and load. After one failed stalk, I got a shot at my buck, broadside, at a lasered 185 yards. I hit him high on the shoulder, breaking his spine. The bullet passed through, showing decent expansion from the exit hole. I think I'll use the 100gr Ballistic Tip on my next Antelope.

On this same trip, my buddy was shooting a Savage 7mm-08 with handloaded 140gr Ballistic Tips. He shot his buck at a lasered 235 yards, quartering away. Although the Antelope ran probably 1/2 mile after the shot, the bullet caused considerable damage. The bullet entered behind the onside shoulder and the base exited the neck. The right lung was destroyed and the esophogus was near completly severed. I have no idea what kept this buck going. I was impressed with the performance. This buck had been shot through the neck probably a week earlier. Tough old goat!
I've also taken a 200 lbs wild boar with the 115gr Partition. I bought these as factory ammo and really had a hard time getting them to shoot very accurately. I eventually pulled all of the bullets and handloaded them and they shoot great now. I took the hog running straight away at 100 yards. The bullet entered the ham and lodged so deeply in the sternum I could not recover it. The second bullet hit the hog broadside and I recovered it under the hide of the off side shoulder.

Shot a large Bobcat at 250 yards with this same bullet. Left a LARGE exit hole.
I've only shot two deer with mine, both were head shots, at 75 yards and 125 yards. I loaned my gun to a friend and she killed an antelope buck at more than 300 yards with a single shot to the chest, dropped right there...

Mine is a Ruger M77 MKII .25/06 50.5 grains of AA3100 with the 110 AccuBond