250gr Grand Slam / 338 WM


Mar 23, 2017
I thought I had a running thread on the 338 WM , guess not. This rifle was bought used and has been a stinker at time. It does like the 210 TTSX but not much else. I’ve fire lapped it and still averages out 1 1/4” - 1 1/2” with most bullets. This weekend I worked with Superformance and 250gr Speers. Best load to date.
ES is horrible but it wants to shoot.
Looks like you are finding another load for the rifle.
An ES of 47 isn't that bad...
Have seen lots of groups that shot just as good, or better, with worse ES's. (Of course we all want to see this number as small as possible!)
In the end, if the load proves consistent in its accuracy, and you aren't stretching shooting distances on game, you should have nothing much to worry about. Your well within minute of moose, bear, bison, :D etc.!
Never used Superformance but it seems like it and the 338 are working well together.
I thought I had a running thread on the 338 WM , guess not. This rifle was bought used and has been a stinker at time. It does like the 210 TTSX but not much else. I’ve fire lapped it and still averages out 1 1/4” - 1 1/2” with most bullets. This weekend I worked with Superformance and 250gr Speers. Best load to date.
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ES is horrible but it wants to shoot.

Sometimes we get too caught up in trying to make perfection when we already have it.

That ES is perfectly satisfactory!!

What if I said
I'll trade you a +/- 5 ES but your group just grew another inch.

Or...keep what you have and fuhgetaboutit with the current ES.

I know which one I'm selecting
Never used Superformance but it seems like it and the 338 are working well together.
I have several bullets I would like to try with SF in the 338. I did run of 71-75 grs and settled on 72 for grouping. 2700 fps is pretty good for that bullet. I will like to see it repeat it again.
That is an an absolute ground pounder. It’s times like these when a chrono can do your head in too. I bet if I told you that group was running 2,700fps and that’s all the info you had, you’d be pretty happy.
so true....!!!....
I have several bullets I would like to try with SF in the 338. I did run of 71-75 grs and settled on 72 for grouping. 2700 fps is pretty good for that bullet. I will like to see it repeat it again.
the 338 is making a roaring comeback. I wont say it's becoming the new 30 cal...but it for sure has picked up a bunch of momentum and the bullet offerings are far more vast than ever before and I can only see it getting bigger and more plentiful.

The industry has taken a turn it seems to focus a little less on FPS and more on accuracy and especially with that beast where bullets are bigger, longer, heavier, and shooters are learning bigger and heavier with accuracy is becoming king

i will be tuning in to see your different findings with other bullets as well