257 WBY load

Well loaded up some rounds using H1000. Here is what I ended up with. Nosler 120gr Partition, 69gr of H1000, Weatherby case, fed 215M primer, 3.17" COL. grouped .8" with 3125 fps. To me the speed seemed slow. I figured I would be getting close to 3300fps, but the accuracy was good. What do you think?
As I look at my post I am sorry dubyam it was very harsh this was not my intent and certainly not directed to you. I am in full agreement with you and what you have said.
2005 your not stiring the pot, this site has allways been a great place for information listening to opinions and then for people to choose or to realise that they need to learn more. As far as your questions not following no my name is not Nosler or Swift so no I don't own their barrels. Every rifle is different and your rifle must be very different than all the others because yours 25-06 can handle 257WM pressures as you have posted before. I guess maybe it is all that freebore in your rifle only you know.

To answer your question I am in full agreement with working up slowly and the use of a Chrony is a cheap way of coming close to figuring out pressure. My harshness comes out when people ignore what the chrony says thinking that common sense overrules basic mathmatics somehow. The number one way to get velocity is pressure. You may have some things that will influence but not as much as pressure does. As far as substitute one bullet for the other this is a gray area it is what makes handloading interesting. Light to medium loads sure but when you get close to max loads high or low velocitys tells you something is wrong. Dubyam is right call the company first. they are the smart ones. Books, research and a few phone calls goes a long way. As far as your last comment about manufactures and their dogs I know that they are in full agreement when I say common sense is not so common . .
I wasn't offended, RRIES, just have personal experience that I work from. You sound like you work from the same, so no trouble here. I am probably one of the most cautious handloaders out there, as I am smart enough to know how much about this stuff I don't know! Good shooting!
Sorry to get into this but I'm looking for a 257WBY load for the 110 A/B also. I have experienced the difference between Nosler and Swift also. I'm told Swift bullets are softer and (stickier) so pressure rises quick. I've had .270 loads 1.5gr. under max and the 140 gr. Swift bullet was 3250fps with major pressure signs so I approach swift loads with caution. Did overall length affect your accuracy as much as I found? .02 in. difference went from 1.5 to .5 in. at 100 yds.? I'm still looking for the 500 yd. loading for antelope.
Greg, I have been doing some messing around with the seating depth this week, and found out that it makes a HUGE differance with accuracy in my Weatherby. I have loads that went from 3" groups down to 1" just by seating the bullet deeper. Because of the Weatherby's free bore I was seating them long but was getting some horrible groups. Started seating down to 3.17" and was shooting way better groups. Hoping to tonight to go shoot a load with 7828 that had great velocity but 3" groups and see if they tighten up any. Wanted to go last night but we had 25mph winds, still windy today, hopefully they die down by time i get off of work.