260AI build - long or short action?


Oct 12, 2011
I'm putting together my grocery list to build my daughter a .260AI. This will be a dual purpose rifle - both for deer and long range target (steel, rocks, etc.) It's going to be on a Remington 700 action, and that's where my question starts.

For the folks that have a 260AI on a short action, do you have any trouble feeding from the magazine when using longer bullets like the 140gr Berger hunting VLD?

We get occasional chances at Auodad during the off-season, and I'd like to be able to feed the longer rounds from the magazine if possible (instead of manually feeding single-shots). This has me considering building the rifle on a long action.

Any thoughts?
You will not regret having the extra magazine length when loading for your 260AI. The shorter magazine on the Remington can be restrictive with the longer bullets that are becoming popular today.
HTDUCK":jq54motm said:
:roll: :mrgreen:

Hush, you. :lol:

I figured you would show up on this thread.

Got me thinking about it now. RADD and all, you know.
I'm with Mike, if your using a Remington LA is the way to roll. Those 140-142's are some long pills. Remington's 2.8" would give me on a super little round. It's even a little bit of a pain with the 243 and 105 AMaxs. Not horrible but I wished it were a Winchester.
My .257 Roberts is a full length standard action and the Roberts, being based on the longer Mauser case is normally too long for seating bullets out or normally seating long bullets without the bullet base taking up case capacity. My Roberts is also throated long so as well that I can seat bullets out at least 0.020 inches longer COAL than SAAMI spec.

It works really well in mine, I get high accuracy with long seated bullets and higher velocities handloading as well. My action is a Browning FN Commercial Mauser action, BTW. :mrgreen:
There are a few Remington 700 LA's on gunbroker right now. I think they were asking mid $400's
DrMike":100rtpcm said:
You will not regret having the extra magazine length when loading for your 260AI. The shorter magazine on the Remington can be restrictive with the longer bullets that are becoming popular today.

The good Doctor nailed it, in my opinion.
...if I had to step up to a LA I'd probably forego all the fun & games of the .260 AI, & just go ahead & do a 6.5X284...
wildgene":2uky8l7w said:
...if I had to step up to a LA I'd probably forego all the fun & games of the .260 AI, & just go ahead & do a 6.5X284...


Good suggestion, Gene.
DrMike":7rs2tg8o said:
wildgene":7rs2tg8o said:
...if I had to step up to a LA I'd probably forego all the fun & games of the .260 AI, & just go ahead & do a 6.5X284...


Good suggestion, Gene.

Go big or go home! On the other hand if your stuck on a short action look at the 6.5X47 Lapua
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. HTDUCK had been trying to convince me for a while to go with a long action. And after all this discussion, I've got one on order.

I like the 6.5x284, one of our club members shoots one. Originally, I was going to build my daughter a 6.5x47L but after more reading, etc the 260AI fits the bill the most. Call me a certified Ackley nut, or maybe just hard-headed. Probably both. :)
Creedmore":bd1ey9u5 said:
Call me a certified Ackley nut, or maybe just hard-headed. Probably both. :)

There's a lot of that going around. I think that will be an interesting cartridge that will put a grin on the chin of any gun crank.
Have a fellow here in my area that uses one bolt action rifle for pretty much everything; a Rem 700 long action, 6.5-06... He shoots F-Class matches with it, "sniper" style tactical matches, and whacks mule deer, all with the same rifle.

I'd imagine the 6.5-06 and the .260 AI have very similar ballistics, and his cartridge makes excellent use of that generous Remington long action.

Just a thought, if you're going long action anyway, might as well use a long-action cartridge.

Regards, Guy
I would agree with the others and go with a LA. You will be able to take full advantage of the 260 AI case capacity by seating the bullets long and you will have more options available down the road if you decide to rebarrel.

...or grab some Nosler .280AI cases & neck 'em down to 6.5... :twisted: :mrgreen:
I feel a little silly saying this given your screen name, but if it were me building a rifle for my son, I might be looking at a SA, chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor. After all, it was designed around magazine box restrictions with long bullets...