.264 Win Mag


Oct 23, 2006
Who shoots one, and any favourite loads to pass along? I just picked up and M70 with a custom SS 26" barrel.

Congratulations on the M70 264 Win Mag.
Loaded with a 125 gr PT or 130 gr AB, you are ready for some serious long range shooting.
Take a look at IMR4350, RL 19 and RL 22 powders.

Here she is!








Great calibre; classy rifle. I'll be interested in seeing how it shoots. What load are you planning for this rifle?
I picked up in a trade last winter a Rem. 700 with a new Shilen CM #5 27 3/4" barrel. I have worked with it a little bit but do have some more loads to try next week.
So far the most accurate load 5 shots 1/2" @ 100 yards is a little slow 2950 fps. 140 Speer hot core, 56.0 grs AA-3100, CCI 250 primer, WW case OAL 3.360

The next most accurate loads are with the 120 Nosler Ballistic Tip these both are screamers. 3600 fps. Way too fast to try on deer unless they are at least 300 yards away. 65.0 grs H-4831 or 70.5 grs. Retumbo, CCI 250 primer, WW case OAL. 3.340, 5 shots 3/4 inch.

The best all round load so far is with 140 gr Hornady Interlocks, 63.5 grs Retumbo, CCI 250, WW case OAL 3.340, 3250 fps. 7/8" 5 shots @ 100.

The groups might be tighter if I used a different scope. The scope is a big game hunting scope. A Meopta Meostar 3 - 12X56 with the heavy #4 German style reticle that covers up a little over 1 inch at 100 yards. But when the light is low in the early morning or late evening you can see it very clearly.

I have some 130 Nosler AccuBond bullets loaded up with H-4831, AA3100 and Retumbo ready to go to the range. I am hoping that one of these will be the best. I hope to get between 3300 and 3400 fps and good accuracy.

Keep us posted on your load development and I will do the same.
1 Shot,

Sounds like you have a fine rifle. I like the cartridge, and plan to secure one for myself in the near future.
125 Partition
66 gr RL 25

3350 fps and .55" at 100 yards

from a Win Super Grade

I took this Antelope at 501 yards


Speed goats just aren't safe when you have a rifle in your hands. Are there any left in your back yard?
With a good amount of Retumbo, a mag primer and a 140g AB doing around 3200 fps, you can do just about anything you want.
The 6.5mm 140 gr AB has a BC of .509.
Should make for a great long range bullet.

boomer 68
You are my hero!
I've tried to get a 264 Winchester Mod. 70 for over 35 years now and haven't found a good one to this day. They are either shot out or way over priced. Congrats :grin:
When I was a kid I use to go to a local gun shop that had a pre64 model 70 in .264win. I always thought that it would be the ultimate antelope cartridge.
Good luck with your new rifle,and by all means lets us know how it shoots.
I will for sure post my reloading results. I have always wanted a .264, something alluring about it :)
I had a 264 in a Pre 64 m70 westerner. It loved 120 nosler BT's with 70 grain of Retumbo, 130 Accubonds with 69 grns. The 70 grain load was kinda lazy, 3265 FPS, but it shot great. The AccuBond load was close to max, 3300 FPS and shot under MOA or better all the time.
I've got a 31" pacnor barrel 1-8.5 on a Savage 111 action that shoots Berger VLD's into .2 & 3's @ 100 yds. I loaded that with WC 860 tho. Very good consistent velocities, but the loads were compressed a bit. i find this Pacnor tube a bit slow for velocities after the old winchester barrel, but i have no idea how many rounds went thro it before I got it and it had a 1-9 twist.
I'll be building a load with the 130's for this rifle in case I get to hunt fields :twisted: :twisted:

Great caliber and have fun.
