270 weatherby data


May 7, 2015
Working on a new project with my buddy on a 270 weatherby...Combined we have NO experience with this round. Any feedback is suggested.

We are looking for loads and starting points. Really want to shoot the 150 grain Partition. Have 4831 and Re 22 on hand...According to the nosler manual, reloader 22 is on the slow end with the 150 Partition?
I would think 22,25,23,26, 7828, H1000 and similar would all be just about perfect for it. I would bet you'll have zero trouble getting 3200 from the 150. I get 3150 with the 270WSM and RL22 and 150 PTs in a 24" barrel. The Weatherby should get all of that very easily.

Also, ask if the new rechamber will have the standard WBY freebore. That will make a difference in the load work.
I tried a jug of the re22 in my Weatherbys. Accuracy was ok, but I am going back to IMR 7828. Greater velocity with less pressure, and accuracy is very good. Less difference in lot to lot as well. The 270 prefers to be loaded warm, and shoots frozen rope. All elk, deer, moose and bear are one shot flops. You will love it.
I'm using IMR-7828ssc in my 270 Wby with 26" barrel. I've always used Fed 215 primers and with 150gr I'm running little over 3200fps and other Wby's I've had best luck with IMR-7828/7828ssc so only powder I've ever used in 270Wby.
I use I7828 and Fed 215s. Re powders were never available when I was looking locally. I wouldn't hesitate to start with Re22.