270 Win and 140's. Any good loads around 3000 fps


Mar 10, 2010
I throw this out there to all of you since there is a ton of wisdom and real life experience. My nephew has a Remmy model 700 XHR. I need to devolope a load for him, this is my bullet and powder inventory, 140 AB, 140 SST, 140 Gamekings both hollow point and softpoint, powders R19, IMR 4350, H414. I do have some 130 IB's and no i don't have the old stand by H4831SC. That's what i always had on hand before i got me a 270 WSM. This is what i would like to start from without buying more powder. I love the first two powders for the 270 WSM that's the reason for having them. Give me some good ideas, maybe even quickloads if you could. thanks guys it good to be back peeking at the site.
You need a slow powder like 4831 to get close to 3000 with a 140 grain bullet in the standard .270. It will be a compressed load if you do get there. R19 is the slowest that I see in your powder inventory, which I doubt will work. Dr. Mike should be able to run QL data for you with your powders to give you a close estimate. I used to use AA3100 for a friends .270 and the best we got out of that was about 2900, but it was really accurate.
I load 55.0grs of IMR-4350 with the 130's in my 270 Win.It puts me right at 3000fps.I had to go to 55.5grs to break 3000fps. 55.0grs consistently grouped tighter,so that's what I go with.The R-19 might work better with the 140's since it's a little slower,but try the IMR-4350 too.But when it comes down to it,it's better to shoot the most accurate load over the one with the highest velocity.
If you're looking for top velocity in the 270Win, you really need to pony up for a pound of Accurate MagPro. It's just about the best match for what you're after. Accurate has 130 & 150gr loads, so you'd have to extrapolate a 140gr load, but they show 3000fps with a 150gr in a 24" barrel. I've had great results in a couple of chamberings In which I've tried MagPro.
I have been loading 59.5gr H 4831SC under a 140gr NAB- 3 shot average on chrono was 2967 fps. 24" Kreiger barrel.
I would give 4350 and RL19 a try, but I would think RL22 or Magpro would get you there pretty easily. Also, another to check out would be W780 Supreme. I have seen it available much more often lately, and I would almost bet that is what Winchester uses in their factory Supreme ammo to get the speed they do. Good luck, I imagine you will find something that works pretty easily for you. Scotty
Thanks for the replies guys, i guess we had better get to work trying some different loads.
top load in my sons rifle, a Remy vy vy old 203XX 20" barrel .270.-
He prefered this old remy to a winchester Supergrade .270 splendid wood, he liked
more his old remy adl..... :?: :?: :?:
RL 19(56) to a Nosler AccuBond 140gr.-
Extremly accurate and a killer for sure.
RL-19 is right next to IMR-4831 on the burn chart. IMR-4831, 56 grains gives me just over 2900 fps from a 22 inch barrel. 57 gets me right at 3K. Thats with the 140AB. I would not hesitate to try RL-19 before buying more powder. Should work.
I really believe that there is a pet bullet for every caliber and for the 270 win I believe that it is the 130 gr. I have almost exclusively used it for 40 years either in Partition or the last few with the ABs. I won't dispute powders as I personally use IMR4350 and with my CDL I am just over 3050fps. and I now many use 4831.
Now in the 270 WSM I would definitely try the 140gr.
That just my thoughts :)

I got over 3100 pretty easily with 130's using RL-22. I'd be surprised if I couldn't hit 3k with 140's. Of the powders you listed, I would say RL-19 is your best shot.
Trevor, your load with the 270 and 130 is very good. I know I would be pretty hot to try that if I had a 270 Win. I was figuring it would work well in your 270 since RL22 works really well in my WSM. Scotty
Scotty, the load that averaged just under 3150 fps is still a grain shy of what QuickLoad suggests as a max (65000 psi). I'm getting no obvious pressure signs and things are looking good.
ROVERT":moa8pc9i said:
Scotty, the load that averaged just under 3150 fps is still a grain shy of what QuickLoad suggests as a max (65000 psi). I'm getting no obvious pressure signs and things are looking good.

That rifle is just hammering. Are you going to try the PTs or AB next? Shooters Pro Shop has them on sale right now too! Scotty
I'm going to try the AB next. I just checked SPS and they are out of stock, I guess I missed them.
Ah well, I know the PT's are still for sale on there though. They are price mismarked, at least they look too high in comparison to the other bullets. Might be a good time to give SPS a ring. PT or AB would make a great combo. Scotty
Antelope_Sniper":885os46z said:

Here's my HV load:

59gr H4831sc
win brass
cci 200
140gr NAB

right at 3k.

That is my load but with Winchester caps