270 WSM and RL25

Hank Hunter

May 14, 2006
With RL22 being very difficult to find right now I was looking at trying RL25 (which I have a surplus of) in the short mag with 140/150g bullets. Anyone using it? Only load data I have found is Lymans.
Looking for min/max or real life experience if you have tried it.
Hank Hunter":itijgky5 said:
With RL22 being very difficult to find right now I was looking at trying RL25 (which I have a surplus of) in the short mag with 140/150g bullets. Anyone using it? Only load data I have found is Lymans.
Looking for min/max or real life experience if you have tried it.

Hank, I thought RL22 was "the powder" for the 270, but RL25 is quickly winning me over with the 150's.

This is 4 shots at 200 yards with the 270WSM and RL25 and the new 150 ABLR's.. This run's 3140 out of my rifle, and it seems excellent

Here is a target where I was messing with the 150 BT's and RL25. Again, these are at 200 yards

I think it's great stuff for the 270WSM. Great speeds within the pressure spec's and the accuracy seems excellent so far too..
What you are seeing, Scotty, is that slow powders tend to work better on heavy for calibre bullets, whereas faster powders tend to shine with lighter (or possibly even mid-range weight) bullets.