280 Ackley powders choices...

QuickLoad is an awesome program. I can't tell you how many times I look at it throughout the day.
FWIW, Nosler loads their 280 AI ammo with MRP, which is basically RL 22.

SJB358":6m3h5d70 said:
QuickLoad is an awesome program. I can't tell you how many times I look at it throughout the day.

It can be a time sink. Very gratifying to study potential before expending the powder and bullets.
You might want to think about Mag Pro, I have had great luck with Mag Pro both in terms of velocity and accuracy. 7828ssc, RL-22, RL-17, and H4831sc have all shot groups under .5 MOA in my rifle with bullets from 120 BT to 160 AB
Two groups from my exploratory "find pressure" outing today; 62, 63, 63.5, & 64 gr RL-22 (4 shots/ea) w/ CCI-200s in freshly formed R-P 7mm Exp brass & 145 gr Speer BTSP (top) & 140 TTSX (both @ 100 yds):

Needless to say I am enthused!

Next up for testing are 150 NBT (my intended primary bullet) & 154 gr Interbonds.

I tried 168 NCCs & RS-Mag w/ ok results (WAY more recoil) & 7828 & 160 HPBT Gamekings which I won't be pursuing further.
Whats the rifle and velocities?

I'm anxious to try the 168 ABLR's...recoil should be the same as my 30-06...same weight rifle, same weight bullet, same powder charge, same muzzle velocity.

But I'm also going to try the 150 ABLR's...because the wind drift of the 150 is darn near exactly the same for both bullets at their respective velocities...whichever one is more accurate wins.
I'd also be curious to know where you found MAX at?

I know yours will be different than mine, but I'm a curious sort lol.
Win 70 PF LW w/ take-off factory FW contour .280 Rem tube I bought here from Chet which was punched AI by Dave @ IT&D.

Didn't chrono; was finding max before developing a load for accuracy.

Didn't find max going up to 64 gr w/ either. I will likely see about 62.5 & 63 gr in an attempt to go easy on brass.

Mine has a VERY long throat.
SJB358":14wzftso said:
Good deal. I really like MRP. Jury is still out if it's better than 22.

I sure hope so....I'll use it in the 270 if its as temperamental as RL22...the velocity swings won't bother her any.
Should I ever get my hands on some MRP, I'm guessing it will shine in a number of cartridges.
DrMike":2r7yd0mi said:
Should I ever get my hands on some MRP, I'm guessing it will shine in a number of cartridges.

I am not sure if I have a fast lot yet or if it is just the powder, but I am smoking 150 Scirroco's along at 3200 with zero issues in my 7mm Rem Mag. Once I get into the 2nd can I will know a little better. It does seem like a very good powder. There are a few other Norma powders I'd like to use as well now they are available.
I waisted a lot of RL-22 and a few other good powders once trying different bullets in my 280 AI and in the end the loads Kenny developed in the gun were better then everything else I tried! Both in terms of velocity and accuracy. In the end I realized don't burn up a great gun on trying every conceivable bullet/powder combination if you don't have too! The gun will either like the bullet or not so pick from the bullet the gun likes best, if you can find a one do all bullet use it. Kenny gave me these two and both have taken any Big Game animal used on them cleanly.

The 175 Partition I use 59.0 IMR-7828 w/a F210M primer @ 3.280" they avg. 2863 fps.

The 150 BT uses 58.0 IMR-4831 and the same F210M primer @ 3.3650" right at 3000 fps (from my notes when last used but doesn't show a year?)

I did test both loads back in 2003 for temp. at 75 degrees and at 18 degrees. Here's the data:

175 NPT 59.0 IMR-7828 F210M Remington brass @ 3.2800"

10/21/03 75 degrees 11/22/03 18 degrees and Sunny *ammo brought to temp 2 hours prior.
Hi-2807 Hi-2812 #4
Lo-2779 Lo-2774 #2
Avg.- 2798 Avg. 2795 @ 20' from the muzzle
ES-28 ES-37.39
SD-11 SD-14.17

This data is before I reduced the load because the barrel was turned back and the chamber re-cut the next year.

150 NBT 60.0 grs. IMR-4831 F210M RP brass @ 3.370

8/17/03 70 degrees Smokey 11/22/03 18 degrees and Sunny *Ammo brought to temp 2 hours prior.
Hi-3109 Hi-3104
Lo-3031 Lo-3047 #1 clean barrel
Avg. 3047 @ 20' Avg. 3087 @ 20'
ES-77.88 ES-57.06
SD-31.89 SD-23.34

As you can see during an average winter condition during hunting in the N.W. the velocity curve is more stable. For whatever that's worth because a lot of other variables can come into play..... wind, moving targets, the shooters ability, etc.