.30-06 bullet recommendations for deer

If you're trying to hedge your bet, I'll agree with the others on the 165 BT's. Nobody sez to have to drive them to the Max anyway. 26-2700fps is Plenty to get what you want/need done.

From the 1st time I started shooting BT's I've always said that if you can't get them to shoot in your rifle..Don't blame the bullet !

I want to thank you all for taking the time to respond. I greatly appreciate it.

I think for this go-around, I'm going to try the 150 PT's. If I can get acceptable accuracy (1.25" or less) from them, I'll hunt with them this fall. If not, I'll try the 165 BT's. I have no doubt that I can get acceptable accuracy from the BT's.

Since I'm working up a new load, I'm going to give IMR 4166 a try. I've long been a fan of IMR 4064 for its accuracy and versatility, and I use it in my .22-250, .243, and .30-06. 4166 is essentially the "new and improved" 4064, utilizing the Enduron technology for lower temperature sensitivity and copper fouling eliminator. Loads for 4064 and 4166 are almost identical, so I think it will be a good choice.

Ideally, I'd like to find a load that will shoot acceptably well in both my custom Mauser action (built by my wife's grandfather) and in my Mannlicher-Schoenauer MCA. The latter originally belonged to my sister-in-law's father who used it a fair bit in Alaska. These days, it's in semi-retirement as my "fair weather" gun. Being that it's such a fine piece, I don't like to take it out if the weather is crappy. And if it's really bad, I'll just fall back on my .243, which is one of the reasons I bought that one in the first place.

I'll post some pics of what I end up with.

Thanks again, and happy hunting.

Good luck to you pard! I used the Nosler 150PT in a 7mm Remmag for just a situation like yours, but mine was down in the South and the deer were even smaller...it worked great!
If you keep the 125 Nosler BT impact velocity under 2900 fps it really does a fine job on deer. But as you have many 150 gr bullets load some up over 51.2 grs IMR 4064 and see which one shoots best. This is the accuracy load listed in one of the older Sierra manuals and it has shot lights out with most any 150 gr bullet make for me in many different 30-06 rifles. I have killed a bunch of deer with the 150 Sierra both game king and pro hunter and it just plain works. The partitions are great bullets if you can get the accuracy you want. Some rifles just don't like them in my experience.
The 150 gr PTis a great bullet for deer and bear in the 30-06.
It will reach the vitals from any angle.

HAWKEYESATX":9uj97i6u said:
bdbrown66":9uj97i6u said:
Hello, all. I'm getting the itch to work up a new load for my .30-06 for deer this fall, and looking for some bullet recommendations. Some caveats:

1. The property where I hunt is heavily wooded. A 100 yd. shot is pushing it. Most shots are 50-75 yards.

2. The mature bucks in this area tend to be in the 175-200 lb. range. The 9-pt. that I shot last fall dressed out right at 175. Does tend to be about 50 lbs. less.

I have the following bullets on-hand to work with. Given the conditions above, how would you rank these in order from best to worst:

Nosler BT 125gr - I killed a doe with one of these a couple of years ago. Hit her broadside at about 70 yards. Small entry, no exit, looked like she swallowed a grenade inside. Seeing that last year's buck was taken with a 95gr. BT in my .243, I know this is more than enough bullet.

Nosler BT 165gr - I have not used these at all. My uncle who lives in Vegas swears by them. If my shots were more like 200+ yards, I'd load them up in a heartbeat. Given the short range and relatively small size of the deer, I'm afraid they might be "too much."

Nosler Partition 150gr - I have not used the Partitions at all. I got a couple boxes on sale for eventual use.

Sierra Pro-Hunter 150gr SP - I've used the Sierra 150gr. GameKings for years. Good bullet, always seemed to do the job. I would expect these to perform similarly.

Hornady Interlock 150gr SP - I've shot a few of these at paper, but they didn't seem to be overly accurate to me.

So there you have it. Give me your recommendations from best to worst.

Thanks in advance,

My 2 cents worth....go with the 150 NP, really hard to beat. Then with the Sierra 150 Gamekings. I've used both. I like the Partition better. It won't come apart sometimes like the Gamekings can.

HawkeyeSATX a.k.a. Bryce
>>>>>> yes !!!!!!!
Where it is just for deer a 150 grain bullet that shoots accurately will fulfill all of your needs in a .30-06, that's all I shot for many years. I think you'll ne satisfied with either the Sierra Gameking or the Nosler Ballistic Tip frankly.

A 165 grain bullet is THE best all around bullet weight in a .30-06 in my experience. Accuracy is superb and they retain velocity at longer ranges (past 200 yards) better than the 150 grain bullets. So if you are working on a "one load for everything" I suggest you take some time this winter to investigate the 165 grain selections. Especially the 165 grain Nosler Ballistic tip and Accubonds.

Good luck and good hunting!

Well, I finally got some time to work up loads for the 150 gr. Partitions. I wanted to find a load that would work equally well for both of my .30-06's. The first one is a custom build on a WWII Mauser action. The second is a Mannlicher-Schoenauer MCA. I use a lot of IMR 4064 in my loads, but also wanted to try the new IMR 4166 Enduron powder. It duplicates the 4064 loads very closely, but is supposed to reduce copper fouling, etc.

I worked up a ladder and ended up right at the tippy-top: 51.0 gr. of 4166. I didn't have the chrono out, but according to the book should be right about 2900 fps.

First, the Mannlicher:


Then, the Mauser (I pulled the one shot):


The Mauser actually preferred a 50.0 gr. load. There are actually 3 shots in this group:


All set to go. Bring on Bambi!! :)
Wow! That has to make you happy. That's a deer swatting load right there.
I shoot 165PT's in my 06 at 2700 and it's a great shooting load and kills very well.

I worked up the 165BT in my father's rifle and he's been quite pleased.

Glad to see you've got it sorted out!
100 yards or less for your shots? You're very certain of that, so go with the 200 gr Partition at 2600++ fps with RL22 or the 200 AB. Will probably ruin less meat and fly extremely flat at long-range with a high BC when you hunt elsewhere with longer range shots. Either of those bullets will carry a ton of energy to the 300 yard line and put any deer down just as handily as lighter bullet.

However a 150 gr Partition will still be a great choice if you go with that.

I have evolved into the heavier weight bullet mindset in any given caliber over the years. Bullet weight is the constant once it hits the animal. The more you have, the more consistency you can expect all things equal.

Since going from my very trusted 300 Winchester Magnum shooting 180 Barnes XBT's to a 35 Whelen (AI) shooting 200 TTSX's out here in Colorado, I can see the heavier bullet combined with more frontal diameter makes a decided difference on deer or elk in terms of animal reaction. Now my very trusted 300 WinMag hasn't seen any love in the past 14 years. The Whelen is that good.

If I were to load for the 300 Winchester Magnum again and be taking on anything from deer to elk at short range out to long, I would go with a 200 grain projectile without question.

Granted, your situation doesn't involve more frontal diameter however I think you see what I am trying to share. A heavier weight bullet for the distances you are shooting won't be any handicap and has more potential consistency.
I have one 30-06 I load 165gr BTs to 2820 fps that I've shot deer from right under the stand out to 287yds. Most were broad side and dropped in their tracks. Deer shot much under 100yds will have a nasty exit wound. With about everyone making bonded bullets I'm going to try 165gr ABs this season to see if I like them for deer.
I have another 30-06 that favors Rx-15 behind Hornady 150 Spire points loaded to 2943fps that has taken it's share of deer with about the same results.
Well, it wasn't the nice 11 pt. I had hoped to get a shot at, but it was getting a little late in the season and time to start thinking about putting meat in the freezer. When this fellow walked in front of me at about 40 yards, it was hard to look a gift deer in the mouth. The 150 gr Nosler Partition load that I had worked up performed perfectly. Bullet entered just behind the front leg, nicked the heart, turned everything around it to jelly, and exited on the far side. No meat damage at all. He went about 35 yards or so, stopped, swayed, gave a little grunt, and then toppled over into a gully.
And a fine looking deer he is! Congratulations on tagging out. He looks to be full-bodied.

Ya, a .30-06 at 40 yards... He was your buck as soon as you decided to pull the trigger, pretty much no matter which bullet.

Regards, Guy