30-06 Major Load Re-do


Dec 26, 2007
30-06 Load Re-Do and New Suite for 06


It will be at least two and a half months before I post any finished work because I am in the middle of a major re-do of all my favorite 30-06 loads and some new ones in my main 30-06 hunting rifle.

I am at the present working with 165gr Sierra HPBT, Nosler Partition, Remington Core Lokt, Hornday SP, AccuBond, Ballistic tip - 168gr Barnes TSX, Sierra MK - 180gr Ballistic Tip, Sierra SP, Nosler Partition PT, AccuBond, Barnes MRX- 190gr Sierra MK, 200gr Sierra SPB - 208gr A-Max - 220gr Sierra RN, Nosler Partition - 240gr Woodliegh.


Using the following powders:
IMR4895, IMR4320, IMR4350, IMR4831, IMR7828
RL-19, RL-17, RL-22
H380, H414, H4350, H4831
Norma MRP
Brass: Winchester, Remingtion, Nosler, Hornady and Federal
Primers: Fed 210M, Fed 210, Remington 9 1/2 and CCI


I am keeping detailed records of velocities, extreme spread, deviations, group size and over all lengths. I do not want to short cut anything and the weather is very hot and humid down here so it will limit my time at the range. Plus I am doing this to develop specific loads for using the 30-06 for the following game as and all around cartridge and main go to rifle. Coyote, bobcat, hog, deer (white tail, coues, Mule) black bear, elk, Moose and possibly a chance again on plains game in Tanzania (if work sends me again)


So, depending on the specific game I am hunting I will have a specific load for the task at hand using one rifle.

Here is a link to an article I just had published which I will follow up with an article on load work. AmmoGuide Article Series


The Hogue over molded with a full aluminum bedding block. It fit perfect, and after putting it in the stock I checked it and it is free floated all the way to the receiver. It is lighter than my wooden stock was and it actually throws up and meets my shoulder better. It really handles well and I love the feel of the pistol grip. Nice indeed.

Stock is on the right and the aluminum bedding block is far right

I was very impressed with the fit and finish, in fact, I was shocked at how well it was put together and there were no un-smooth places or ragged spots on the in side and the aluminum block was also finished very nicely. As some of you know I ruined my wooden stock but before I ruined it I could only get the rifle to shoot if I free floated the barrel. When I did this I had 1/4" groups with some loads. This will be my main 30-06 in my load work.
Enjoy your load development project!

There's nothing on your list of game I wouldn't shoot with a 165 or 180 gr Nosler Partition loaded over H4350 - or whatever powder worked best in the particular rifle.

That way there's one load, one rifle, always sighted-in to the same point of impact... Just a thought. Despite playing around with a mess of rifles and loads over the years, it's always been a comfort knowing that the good old '06 was sitting in the safe, ready to go, along with a few boxes of Nosler Partitions on the shelf.

But - my Luddite inspired simplicity is my burden to bear. Am looking forward to reading your results - which I truly hope you'll share with us! I'll bet you come up with several very good loads!

Regards, Guy
I forgot to add brown bear and other dangerous game which the heavier for caliber which I find the 30-06 from some of my experiences is enough gun to do the job if the right bullet is used. Yes Guy, I am looking forward to this to settle some things in my mine with my favorite 30-06.

PS - The Partitions will end up doing my heavy work, they always have as long as I can get hunting accuracy out of them.
I know there is other powders that can be used like Varget, but I do not have time nor the money to do more than I have set up to do. Also, forgot to mention I will be using also W-760.

That is a pretty big under taking project! Sure sounds like fun.

The 30-06 is a great cartridge and I cut my teeth loading for this great old round from 100 gr plinkers to 220 gr loads.
My go to powder for 150-180 gr bullets was IMR 4350, excellent accuracy and good velocity.

Good luck with the load development.

Yes, this will take some time. I hope I am completely done before the end of September because my hunting season begins then and you can forget about me doing any load work at that point. :):):) I should be finished and beginning to write about my findings.
Bullet that sounds like way too much fun. I have to say either IMR4350 or H4350 and 165-200 grain bullets will do anything you want. I'm with Guy on keeping one good load with say either the 165 or 180 Partition or AccuBond for everything except the really big stuff like the Brown Bear, and then maybe stepping up to the 200 gr. Partition. One sight in, one bullet.

Good luck and let us know what works for you. I use IMR4350 (57.4 grs.) and 165 gr. Partitions or Accubonds for 2950 fps out of my Ruger #1B, and I shoot everything with that load. Of course I have not had the good fortune of hunting brown bears or African plains game either! :cry:

When you get it figured out show us the results!
I am trying a few things different with my known loads and trying a few new loads because I really want to know if I can do it even better. Yes it would take 157 years to do all of this if I was just beginning with the 30-06, but this work will be on top of at least 28 years of load work for the 30-06.

I am building off known and proven loads I have developed over the years, just doing a little tweaking. As far as target bullets are concerned I am loading only a few three shot groups out of curiosity. Thanks for the impute but this will only take a couple of months maybe three at the most. I did a major re-do ten years ago and I would like some very specific loads for specific work in the field hunting while just adjusting and tweaking my all around loads
POP":2m1y7ij5 said:
You're a better. Man than I....:):):)

Not so POP, I am just more obsessive and addicted :shock: to shooting and doing it better if I can, and the only one who is more addicted than I am is a Louisiana Cajun named Jerry :lol: :wink: so when it is time to be in the field I know just what to expect from my rifle. 8)
The H4350 and IMR 4350 are excellent in the 30-06.

I prefer H4350 suggest a good primer like Federal 210 Match .

I have always had good luck with the Sierra 165gr Gameking BTHP.

The new Berger VLD 185gr Hunting bullet really likes 55.0 of H4350 in my Accumark 30-06.
You have far more patience and ambition than I do. Good luck with your project.
I loaded specifically for the 06 for a number of years. I am very simple and lazy with my loading so I only shot one load with my 06, of course I only hunted deer and elk with that rifle. My load was 61 gr. of H-4831, with Winchester cases, CCI primers and a 180 gr. Nosler Partition. That load was responsible for a fair amount of deer and elk, and is over maximum in most loading manuals today. I consider 2 inches at 100 yards hunting accuracy!!!!
Here is my Ruger Hawkeye in it's new stock, a Hogue over molded with a full aluminum bedding block. It fit perfect, and after putting it in the stock I checked it and it is free floated all the way to the receiver. It is lighter than my wooden stock was an actually throws up and meets my should better. It really handles well and I love the feel of the pistol grip. Nice indeed.

I was very impressed with the fit and finish, in fact, I was shocked at how well it was put together and there we not any un-smooth places or ragged spots in side and the aluminum block was also finished very nicely. As some of you know I ruined my wooden stock but before I ruined it I could only get the rifle to shoot if I free floated the barrel. When I did this I have 1/4" groups with some loads.





That is a great looking stock Mike. I am thinking of putting the same one on a M70 7mm Rem Mag I have. It has the old Winchester club of a plastic stock, so I think a good stock like that would serve the rifle well. Scotty
It was a lot more stock than I expected for sure. I think you would be happy with it.

That is really cool. It matches well and will be a great combo in nasty weather. It also sounds really well made.

In this post you also said that you have several loads which will already shoot 1/4". I am mystified why you don't consider that "hunting accuracy". You are burning up a lot of hard to get reloading componets to get smaller than 1/4 inch?
I think he was havin consistency issues with the old stock. Bill, if guys like you and I were smart we would just shoot the calibers he loads for, we would save alot of money on loading components probably and be happy once we had our 1" groups! Scotty
Elkman":29kb14d6 said:

That is really cool. It matches well and will be a great combo in nasty weather. It also sounds really well made.

In this post you also said that you have several loads which will already shoot 1/4". I am mystified why you don't consider that "hunting accuracy". You are burning up a lot of hard to get reloading componets to get smaller than 1/4 inch?

Scotty is correct. Even though I did get a few 1/4" groups I was not experiencing consistency. One thing I have learned through all these years hunting and with so many different cartridges and rifles - "is shot placement on game" this is the absolute and most important thing to do. Now for me to put a bullet in the field exactly where I want it to go, I need to know that it will consistently shoot that way. What I mean is that my best load needs to shoot at least 5 three shot groups in a row under 1/2" or 3 five shot groups in a row. When this happens I remove all doubt on my part and as many variables as possible because in the field I am not shooting off a bench.
Yes, it turned out better than I thought it would in looks, but the construction of the stock for the money is what really surprised me and especially when I dropped the rifle in the stock it fit like a glove custom made for my hands. Really amazing, I thought I would be doing so adjusting and fitting but this truly is a fine drop in stock. It was so cool to be able to run a sheet of paper between the stock and barrel that looks like it fits so tight and not once did the paper catch on anything. In fact I tried it four times just to make sure. Yes, now the rest is up to me at the range. Can't wait to get out and pop some caps, make some smoke and kick up some dirt at the range. I am so glad that I waited for this stock, it is so well built for the money and I love how it feels in my hands but also how well it throws up and fits my shoulder. I am really happy with this stock. :):) Yep, going to be some game hit the ground with my 30-06 commanding DRT. :)
That is a very good review Mike. Seems like a great stock. I may order one now and put it on once I get back home. I like the Hogue stocks and I think they are a good deal considering the aluminum bedding block. Plus, I think they could really make my M70 7mm Rem Mag very consistent. I put a new scope on it last year, so a new stock would breath alot of life into it. Plus, if I ever shoot the barrel out, I would have a great platform for a new caliber if I wanted. Scotty