30-06 vs Exploding Zombies


May 4, 2011
So in a month the fight begins. Well at least at my shooting range. A bunch of us at work found a website that sells exploding Zombie targets. Being biodegradable and flat out fun looking we pooled our resources and are going to retire to the range with our favorite weapons to do in the undead. Will post pictures and videos for sure fellas, rest assured...

Planning to swing by the Pro Shop here in Bend and grab some 168 grain B-tips to load up for the occasion. At about 2800 fps, it should make a perfect 400-500 yard (extent of our range) Zombie sniper load.
Got a Garand to go with those? Also try the 155 CC BTHP. They really come apart at '06 velocities.
Well I went by the Wholesale Sports store here in Bend today and instead of grabbing 168 grain B-tips (they had none) I got a box of Sierra 165 grain Gamekings. These shoot very well in my Win 70 and after I seat them on top of 56-57 grains of H4350 they will be the end of many zombies. I cannot wait for August 15th, this is the day we have set for the dirty deed.

As for the Garand, we have a friend who was in JROTC and on a highschool shooting team and has an M1 Garand. However, he shoots the American Eagle M1 loads which feature a 150 grain FMJ at about 2700 fps muzzle velocity which matches the M2 Ball load of the 1940's.

Our longest shots are going to be no longer than 400 yards at this particular shooting range but that will be a walk in the park for this Win 70 as well as Nathan's M1 and Matt's AR-15.

As I said, videos and pictures will be posted as soon as possible there after.
Guys I have some bads news, my friend got fired from his job because of company cut backs the other day so he won't be able to afford his half of the bill for our exploding zombie targets. This is merely a setback though, I plan to buy some of my own though it will not be August 15th that we get to go blast them. It may be September, sorry, I know you were all just as excited as me!