.30-30 elk


Jun 22, 2013
All the guns in my safe and a friend of mine wanted to borrow the old Winchester lever action with no optics. He said he figured the elk would be in the timber after the snow storm this week. He was correct and filled his cow tag at 55 yards. 160 gr flex tip (FTX) hand loaded bullet. -leverevolution powderIMG_8348.jpeg
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Hmm- everybody knows that you cant kill anything with a 30-30. Ya, right.... That is fantastic, and a nice looking rifle too! Congrats! CL
The good ol' 30-30 still doing its thing! And the hunter was having fun hunting with the classic!
At that range, that load should still have over 1800 ft lbs of energy, if loaded to similar velocity as the factory ammo.
More than enough if using today's standard of 1500 ft lbs of energy for elk. Regardless, the proof is in the freezer!
Congratulations to your friend on filling his tag and to you for being a friend letting him use a classic rifle. Dan.
Congratulations to your friend. He did well. Nice of you to loan him your rifle.