30-378 Weatherby Load information needed



Hey fellow forum members,

I have a friend that purchased a Weatherby 30-378 Accumark rifle. I could use some load information for using the following components he has on hand. Any insight and or suggestions would be appreciated.

Weatherby Brass
Fed 215 primers
180 Barnes TSX & MRX Bullets
180 & 200 Accubonds
Retumbo, RL25 & Ramshot Magnum Powders

I only have experience loading Remington rifles, could use some insight on seating bullets for a Weatherby, at least a starting point.

I can't speak to particular loads, as I've not worked with a 30-378Wby, but I can tell you the slower powders (Retumbo and RL25) are likely good places to start. You can get a lot of great information at www.weatherby.dk if you check the reloading section there, as well.

I can speak to the COL question with regard to 'bees in general. I've loaded for several and can tell you that I've always had the best success starting at magazine length and working down if need be. The singular exception to this is the E-Tip. That bullet likes more jump and I found the sweet spot significantly shorter than mag length. For lead core stuff I'd start at mag length and work from there.
Thank-you will use that advise for seating bullet. Yeah I thought the powders mentioned would be the ones I'd start with.

Retumbo works well. Start at 100 gr with the 200 AB or 103 with the 180.
POP":259fk2i9 said:
Retumbo works well. Start at 100 gr with the 200 AB or 103 with the 180.

I agree... Retumbo.

But be careful of the pressure spike at max. My COL is the same as the factory load for the 180gr AB.

Thanks Pop & madman,
I appreciate the starting information.

I agree with the recommendations above - Retumbo is the way to go. I have laoded quite a bit for a friend of mine, using 180 gr Hornady IB´s , and get excellent groups at 3480 fps, with a charge of 112.0 gr Retumbo --- I think. I do not have my actual records available to me right now so do not take this as gospel but I think I am correct on the charge. I worked up carefully as the others suggested.
Thanks guys,
I'll take all that into consideration, I appreciate the guidance to get started.

I have confirmed the following information for my loads

Weatherby Mark V Accumark - 26" barrel
30=378 Wea Mag
112.0 gr Retumbo
180 grain Hornady Interbond
Fed 215M primers
Weatherby brass
3.720" OAL
3480 fps

Hope this helps
Thank you I'll pass it on to my friend. Appreciate the help.
