300 RUM with 220 partitions


Apr 18, 2006
Anyone ever run 220 partitions in their 300 RUM? If so how did they fair accuracy wise? Thinking about giving them a try.

Never did Bill. Just like the Northfork Bullet--- BC turned me off---big time!
Thanks Fotis. On second thought maybe I won't try them. 200 AccuBond seems like the best choice.

Bill, I haven't shot a lot of them through my .30-06 yet, and haven't even tried them in the .300 WSM, but I'd be surprised if they weren't accurate. Those roundish-nose bullets tend to shoot very accurately, in my experience.

From the .300 RUM, the long 220 gr Nosler Partitions would be quite a bullet... I had good results from the 200 gr Partition and other 200 gr bullets.

It will be interesting to see if anyone has run them, and with what results.

Thanks Guy. My knee jerk reaction to maybe not try them was mostly due to calculations in a ballistic calculator between the 220 Partition and the 200 AccuBond. The darn AccuBond just flat out gets with the program in the 300 RUM and will be tough to beat.

I too have shot and used 200 partitions in the 06 with very favorable results.

If you want to shoot a heavy bullet try the 215 or the 230gr bergers I'm thinking about giving them a try in my 300 rum but right now I'm shooting 210 bergers and I have some 200gr Ab I'm going to try but those 220 partitions just don't have the BC I'm looking for

The 200 gr PT would give you a decent BC of .481 along with some serious penetration.

I have a box of 220 PTs that are tempting me to try in the 300 RUM. Guess I will if I go on a Griz hunt. Been very happy with the 200 ABs.
Woodycreek":378f7iee said:
I have a box of 220 PTs that are tempting me to try in the 300 RUM. Guess I will if I go on a Griz hunt. Been very happy with the 200 ABs.


You need to run one through the jugs. I am guessing 6-7.

I may just load some for a jug test. It would be neat to know what they would do at 2900-2950 FPS.
Woodycreek":293ytkrh said:
I may just load some for a jug test. It would be neat to know what they would do at 2900-2950 FPS.

Penetrate into tomorrow. :mrgreen:

Bill, that would be sweet, pushed as fast as the RUM can get it done, I still don't see a problem making reliable and probably even easier hits out to 500 or maybe a little better. Granted, when comparing them to the AB's, they lack a little, but man, they are still pretty decent.

I have been reading Brian Litz's book and he actually ran through alot of the common bullets, the actual BC difference between the 200 PT (.493) and 200 AB (.523) isn't really a whole lot. Kinda made me think the 200 PT would be a viable option in the 300WSM for this year, if it'll shoot.

I am looking forward to seeing the RUM push one of the 220 PT's into the jugs. That would be a fearsome load. That is putting alot of energy on target.
Heck, the 220gr Partition has nearly the B.C. as the 95gr Partition in 6mm, and with similiar muzzle velocity as the .243 win, it's hard to say that you wouldn't have one of the most practical big game combinations available. With that, the 220gr NPT wouldn't be my first bullet choice for the RUM, but it would also be far from my last choice.
SJB358":2jnek1w6 said:
... Kinda made me think the 200 PT would be a viable option in the 300WSM for this year, if it'll shoot...

I have had great luck with IMR4350 and the 200gr Partition with 3 different 300WSM's. Two of them averaged a touch over 2900fps with good accuracy while the 3rd was a buddy's elk rifle for dark timber hunting. He had no issues with the 2780fps knowing that the bullet will hit where the crosshairs covered at 100yds. I told him it will do 2845 and still give you sub 1" at 100. His reply was, "That extra velocity gives me zero extra confidence. I want to shoot that S.O.B in the tear duct if it's the only shot opportunity I have." I've been helping him pack out elk ever since. :lol:
Mountain Goat":15iy672a said:
SJB358":15iy672a said:
... Kinda made me think the 200 PT would be a viable option in the 300WSM for this year, if it'll shoot...

I have had great luck with IMR4350 and the 200gr Partition with 3 different 300WSM's. Two of them averaged a touch over 2900fps with good accuracy while the 3rd was a buddy's elk rifle for dark timber hunting. He had no issues with the 2780fps knowing that the bullet will hit where the crosshairs covered at 100yds. I told him it will do 2845 and still give you sub 1" at 100. His reply was, "That extra velocity gives me zero extra confidence. I want to shoot that S.O.B in the tear duct if it's the only shot opportunity I have." I've been helping him pack out elk ever since. :lol:

MG, thanks for the heads up on that buddy. That may just push me enough to get them loaded up. I am looking for high 2800's to satisfy me speed wants. If the accuracy is there, I gotta think it would be pretty awesome for elk..
SJB358":31aqh5w0 said:
I have been reading Brian Litz's book and he actually ran through alot of the common bullets, the actual BC difference between the 200 PT (.493) and 200 AB (.523) isn't really a whole lot. Kinda made me think the 200 PT would be a viable option in the 300WSM for this year, if it'll shoot.

Scotty the BC for 30 cal 200gr Partition is .481 while the AccuBond in the same is .588

Mountain Goat":38u14dgp said:
Heck, the 220gr Partition has nearly the B.C. as the 95gr Partition in 6mm, and with similiar muzzle velocity as the .243 win, it's hard to say that you wouldn't have one of the most practical big game combinations available. With that, the 220gr NPT wouldn't be my first bullet choice for the RUM, but it would also be far from my last choice.

Good call MG. Only reason I was thinking about the 220 was for elk hunting and lets be honest. Most elk on ave is killed 200 yards or less, I've only killed 1 at slightly over 400 yards. The rest have been at 200 and less. With that being said the 300 rum is way over kill for those ranges but I believe if your going to hit something hit it hard.

Man, just think if I had a 220gr Partition for my Big 8 traveling over 3000fps how all around that bullet would be. Will be trying the 200gr Partition soon along with the 250gr Barnes, but man what a dream it would be to have a 220gr Partition in .323. Of course a 200gr Partition move over 3120fps ain't no joke. :mrgreen:
bullet":1xrqabnt said:
Man, just think if I had a 220gr Partition for my Big 8 traveling over 3000fps how all around that bullet would be. Will be trying the 200gr Partition soon along with the 250gr Barnes, but man what a dream it would be to have a 220gr Partition in .323. Of course a 200gr Partition move over 3120fps ain't no joke. :mrgreen:

A 220 Partition @ 3K would be great and I would shoot nothing else but a 200 Partition @ 3120 would really get it done quick fast and in a hurry. My gun won't do 3100 with a 200, slow barrel.
OU812":1wvhafj4 said:
bullet":1wvhafj4 said:
Man, just think if I had a 220gr Partition for my Big 8 traveling over 3000fps how all around that bullet would be. Will be trying the 200gr Partition soon along with the 250gr Barnes, but man what a dream it would be to have a 220gr Partition in .323. Of course a 200gr Partition move over 3120fps ain't no joke. :mrgreen:

A 220 Partition @ 3K would be great and I would shoot nothing else but a 200 Partition @ 3120 would really get it done quick fast and in a hurry. My gun won't do 3100 with a 200, slow barrel.

I bet yours would do it if it was a 26" barrel. :)