300 wm and retumbo


Jul 20, 2008
any info on loads will be great? win model 70 26 in tube, first few loads were 76 gr. and 77 gr. seemed alright. bullets will be 200 gr. ab's. fed match 215's are the primers.
I see Hodgdon lists 78gr's as a max charge behind the 200gr AB for 2860 or so. They also list 84gr's as max behind the 200gr PT? Not sure, that is a big jump for any bullet of the same weight. Looks like great speed though. Scotty
i have been playing with retumbo in my #1 for a couple months and the best load i have ever found for this rifle is 90gr retumbo behind 165bt in a nosler case. i don't think it is supposed to work from what others say but it seems to repeat the accuracy everytime i take it to the range.
man-o-man,90grains is really a case filler. :grin:
man mine seem compressed how are u getting 90 gr in 300 win mag case.
I don't think 90grs of Retumbo will fit in the 300WM. I might be mistaken though. Scotty
beretzs":3k6gvyqj said:
I don't think 90grs of Retumbo will fit in the 300WM. I might be mistaken though. Scotty

I use Retumbo in my 338 RUM and 98.6 grs fills the case pretty full so I am thinking 90.0 grs in the 300 WM is a typo.

Because of the potential for settling, etc., I generally consider that ~114% case fill is maximum for a charge. Ninety grains of Retumbo with a 165 BT would be 116%+ of case capacity on a 300 Win Mag. using Winchester brass. However, with Norma brass, QL projects that it would be only 114% of case capacity. It would be a compacted load, but it should all go in the case. With Remington brass, it doesn't appear to be doable, as it is 125% of case capacity. Moreover, because of case volume, ninety grains with Winchester, Remington or Federal brass are all projected to generate excessive pressures. Yet, with Norma brass, the projection of a charge of ninety grains is well within pressure limits (>60K psi). Fascinating stuff. It may not be the best powder, but it depends in no small measure on chamber size and brass used.
Great point Mike. Man, I am glad you are here to keep us all straightened out! Scotty
I have always thought Retumbo to slow for the WM, have you tried 4350? mine likes "stout" loads with 180's.
yes, i can get 90.5 in nosler brass only. in federal and w-w i can only get about 84-86gr.
Is that with a bullet seated, or just filled to the neck? Just wondering, seems like a stout load of powder. Scotty
When I first started to load for the 06 I found that I could only get 59/60 grains of 4831 in a Remington Case, when I switched to WW cases I could get 61/62. I then bought the wind mag, and loaded the 06 more consertatively.
have tried the 4350 in 165's i really want the bc of the 200's. gun seems like it it better than the 4350 and rl 22. gunna just play with it some more. gonna try the seating depth now. seems it likes a good jump.
I can't wait to hear of your results with Retumbo and the 200's. I have always wanted to try H1000 with the 200's but RL22 has worked pretty well so far, so I haven't diverted from that path just yet. Scotty
i think it will do great with the 200grainers, when i run through all my 165's im going to dump some behind the 200 part.going to chrono the 165's one of these days. they should be close to 3300-3340 with a 26'' pipe. i am looking forward to loading the 200's with this powder.
my load is nosler brass 2.610 came from nosler at 2.600??
nosler ballistic tip 165
90gr retumbo max for my ruger#1. pressure signs at 90.5 start low

Great points!
Man, talk about putting 10 lbs in a 5 lb sack. :mrgreen:

I always had good luck with RL 22. I would think IMR 4350 and H1000 would be good powders for the 300 WM and faster burn rate than Retumbo.

As I said, Retumbo "may not be the best powder." (in fact, I believe RL22 is a superior powder for the case expansion), but it would work provided there is sufficient case capacity. QL indicates that Norma brass (because of thickness and standards employed) has sufficient case capacity for Retumbo. It would appear that Nosler brass also has a similar case capacity. It is another cautionary note that whenever someone changes any component, they should drop back in charge weight and work up the load again to ensure safety. Winchester brass is not Remington brass is not Federal brass is not Norma brass is not Nosler brass. I could imagine that someone might work up a load using Norma brass and "assume" that the same maximum load will work wonderfully with Remington brass. It could introduce a rather exciting (unanticipated) element to an otherwise pleasant hunt.
agreed, i also think that reloader 22 is about as good as it gets for the winnie. there are better powders than retumbo for the 300 especially for the lighter bullets. but make no mistake for the 165 in my ruger it plain ass shoots and my #1 is pretty picky. :wink:
I think H1000 is a good match when loading 200gr bullets if you like the temperature tolerant Extreme powders. You wouldn't have to pack it in with a jackhammer.
Retumbo is just too slow a powder for the Winnie Mag.