300Win Mag Hunting Load Still Shooting Good


Dec 26, 2007
I went to the range today on my way to work this morning and had time to set up and shoot a five shot group with my 300Win Mag Savage 116FHSS. My rifle and load did their part I let down a little on my end. I put the first four shots in a group that measured .211" and then I called my fifth shot as a flyer as it did not feel or go like the first four and the five shot group ended up being .601" Here is the group. I was shooting my 165gr Sierra HPBT hunting load I killed a deer with this year at 140yds and I use this on hogs and coyote. I really love this rifle :) Here is the group


Target is not to scale, I am sighted in about 2 1/4" high at 100yds



Looking good, Mike. I've had good success with the Sierra HPBTs over the years. I have some 160 grain HPBTs loaded in my 7mm WSM; they give me good groups that are serious competition with my 160 grain ABs.
I have to try the 165gr AccuBond again. I did not use it with the powder and charge I am using with the Sierra, and I am interested in how it will do with this load.
Man, that is a great shooting load Mike. Seems like I need to give it a try one of these days. I haven't messed with my 300WM in a long time. Need to get it out and shake the dust off it. Although, please don't expect groups like that, from me. If I called flyers like that, I would probably never shoot another group, it just doesn't get much better than that!

Mike, I have always wondered about the 160gr HPBT. Seems Sierra touts it as a very hard bullet meant for magnums. Any use on game with it? Just wondering if it is like the 165gr 30 cal Sierra. I have so many 160gr AB's on the bench and no 7mm in the safe, so this is just wondering on my part. Scotty
The HPBT work as advertised. They are every bit as tough as the Game King. My primary challenge is finding them here. Fortunately, I don't have much trouble finding Nosler products.
DrMike":ix0pbs27 said:
The HPBT work as advertised. They are every bit as tough as the Game King. My primary challenge is finding them here. Fortunately, I don't have much trouble finding Nosler products.

Mike, the HPBT is a Game/King and it is their toughest bullet. They told me it is tougher than their 165gr SBT Game/Kiing or any other game king as well as tougher than the Pro-Hunter. It is their toughest bullet.
beretzs":3umzo0pr said:
Man, that is a great shooting load Mike. Seems like I need to give it a try one of these days. I haven't messed with my 300WM in a long time. Need to get it out and shake the dust off it. Although, please don't expect groups like that, from me. If I called flyers like that, I would probably never shoot another group, it just doesn't get much better than that!

Mike, I have always wondered about the 160gr HPBT. Seems Sierra touts it as a very hard bullet meant for magnums. Any use on game with it? Just wondering if it is like the 165gr 30 cal Sierra. I have so many 160gr AB's on the bench and no 7mm in the safe, so this is just wondering on my part. Scotty

I used the 160gr HPBT in my 7mm Remington Sendero and killed deer and hogs coming and going. It will devastate them and it will exit leaving a golf ball size hole even when hitting shoulder bone or ribs. The HPBT Game king is a real sleeper. I killed my last Black bear with a 165gr HPBT out of a 30-06 Ackley IMproved and the bullet passed through leaving a tennis ball size hole on exit and took the heart a lungs with it out the other side. When we cleaned that bear it looked liked someone had wiped clean the rib cage, there was nothing there.
Sounds like a sleeper for sure. I guess it gets overlooked in todays world of bullets. Might be worth loading some up and see what they do in water jugs. I know you have tested them in some heavier wood and such. I like to see what water does to them though, gives a good comparison to other available bullets. Scotty
That is a thought Scotty!!!! Next time to the range I will do that just like I did with the 210 Partition from my 338Win mag. :)
Sweet, I am looking forward to that. Always cool to see recovered bullet pics! Scotty

YOU called that a FLYER, gee only .601, I will bet you were bumed especially with that flyer and all. That is a great group !!!! I will bet in not very long you will beat it, in and around .300 or less. If that consistency holds you have an excellent load. Thanks for sharing your pics are always great!!!
Elkman":31n3lcl9 said:

YOU called that a FLYER, gee only .601, I will bet you were bumed especially with that flyer and all. That is a great group !!!! I will bet in not very long you will beat it, in and around .300 or less. If that consistency holds you have an excellent load. Thanks for sharing your pics are always great!!!

Yes, I was a little upset knowing that I was in the zone and fixing to shoot one of my smallest groups with this load and I rushed the fifth shot. New it was a bad shot the moment the trigger released, it felt all wrong. I had no time to shoot another five shot group because I had to get to the office. This group is typical with this load so I will have another chance. My 180gr TTSX load shot very well, here is that five shot group target.

Thats some very nice shooting there, especially with a 300wm. Not sure I could do that.

Corey, I do have to think of only my cross hairs and the target so I don't dwell on the 300Win and it's quick push on my shoulder. So I call it getting into the zone and forgetting everything else except my cross hairs and paying attention only to them. I have shot so much through the years that everything else is automatic. I sure do love it. Me and GB300win love to shoot and he does even more than I do. Oh, we like to hunt to :mrgreen:
Mike, great shooting there buddy. Seeing your result makes me long for my 300 even more. I love this cartridge. I'm currently waiting for my re-barreled Model 70 Laredo. It will be here any minute now. The original factory barrel was toast, so I have my smith install a Pac-Nor Supermatch Polygon on it. This new tube will be throated for the 210 grain Berger hunting VLD.
Desert Fox":lpbejvs5 said:
Mike, great shooting there buddy. Seeing your result makes me long for my 300 even more. I love this cartridge. I'm currently waiting for my re-barreled Model 70 Laredo. It will be here any minute now. The original factory barrel was toast, so I have my smith install a Pac-Nor Supermatch Polygon on it. This new tube will be throated for the 210 grain Berger hunting VLD.

Now that is going to be a blast, :shock: 8) that will be one cool rig to work up loads for and being throated for the 210 Berger should allow you some fine down range long distant accuracy for sure. Make sure you post some pictures. The rifles you have posted in the past have been beautiful and very well thought out and put together. :)