.303 Lithgow No. 1 Mark III Sporter load & range thread


Dec 26, 2007
Will be going to the range this coming Monday to shoot my Lithgow No. 1 Mark III sporter. I will use this thread to post my load work and shooting results. Here is a picture of the .303 Cartridge with the 215gr Woodleigh.



Man that round looks like it would put some serious slamma jamma down on anything that crossed its path!
ScreaminEagle":24f1a779 said:
Man that round looks like it would put some serious slamma jamma down on anything that crossed its path!

It should and it is suppose to from all that I have heard. Looking forward to developing my load for my .303 using this bullet. :)
What a cool looking round Mike. I know from my Aussie counterparts, there are still a TON of 303's in use in Aus. I can only imagine the stories some of the those rifles would have.

That 215gr Woodleigh just oozes cool! Hope it shoots well for you. Scotty
Cool pictures and round.
Looking forward to your reports.

Scotty, JD, it is a cool looking round, and now if it will only shoot half as good as it looks. :mrgreen:
Well, it is different shooting with these old military sights at 100yds but here is my best group and load chain.

215gr RN Woodliegh, 2101fps, MRP, Rem brass, Remington 9 1/2M primers, three shot group at 100yds


Pressures were really low and I will be able to easily get to 2200fps which is what I am looking for. Here is a picture of the brass and not flatened primers.


After this fall and I am through getting my grandson Jordan to hunt with open sights, I am going to scope this rifle, because it shoots good.
Great shooting Mike! Shooting irons really puts makes you really appreciate groups like that. Scotty
beretzs":1rrtbq2z said:
Great shooting Mike! Shooting irons really puts makes you really appreciate groups like that. Scotty

Will be testing some more loads with MRP and should get to around 2200fps without high pressures.
Sounds like a great hog thumper Mike! That big bullet should penetrate like nobodies business. Can't wait to see some more targets. Scotty
Scotty, in the near future I am going to mount a scope on this thing to really be able to see how it shoots. The two stage military trigger on this rifle is awesome for a military rifle. The second stag breaks clean and at about 3 1/2 - 4 pounds is what it feels like.