308/125gr ballistic tip

wm.f. in fla

Sep 30, 2004
here in florida our deer are not "monsters". this week-end i shot a 3yr old 8 point that weighed 128lbs. he was walking left to right at 87yds. my load is 49.5gr of varget under a 125gr bal.tip. i got 100% penetration . the deer ran 25 steps from the hit point and fell stone dead. my point is, don't criticize bal tips at short range when shooting thin skinned game. i personally have never had a bal.tip failure.
Last year I used the 125gr. .30 Caliber Ballistic Tips in my Super 14 .30-30 Ackley Improved Contender Handgun with excellent results. On the two Whitetails we took (my 18 year old daughter used this handgun / load on a medium sized doe at 126 yards) bullet performance was quite good.

I was shooting this bullet at a muzzle velocity of 2683 FPS, and took a smaller 4x4 Whitetail Buck at 286 yards. The Buck was quartering towards me at a sharp angle and the bullet entered just behind the near shoulder, penetrated the entire Buck and exited through the meat of the off side rear ham (just missing the hip bone by an inch). There was a nice clean 1 1/2" diameter hole all the way through the ham, with not a lot of meat loss.

On the Whitetail Doe my daughter took with this handgun / load, she hit kind of high going through the top portion of both front shoulders, and leaving a quarter sized exit hole.

I am not sure how much impact velocity this bullet will withstand, but in my .30-30 AI Handgun I was pleased with the performance.

As long as the velocities are normal, not ultra mag...

The 125 BT is a great deer bullet.
It is all about matching BT's to the right game and velocities.
NOSLER":11vfheei said:
I should put that saying about the velocity on the box :grin:

What a great idea, and to make it even better the velocity range at which each bullet is expected to perform to it's best potential for the best terminal performance.

NOSLER":2sgqbc25 said:
I should put that saying about the velocity on the box :grin:
Maybe I have a future in advertising? :roll: :) :) :)