33 Nosler

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
Okay what's the skinny on it?
It's been out for a while and so far no one has been talking it up so what gives?
Is it finicky to reload, hard to find accurate loads?
Is it working for long range shooting/hunting or is it a wash?
My hunting partner bought one and couldn't be happier.

It wasn't the least bit finicky in our experience. We had a sub-MOA load right out of the gate. Middle of the load range- 76.5gr of H4831SC behind a 250gr AB.

A 250gr AB at 2700fps and change hits game like a train. He's hit 4 caribou from 50yds to 325yds this fall and nothing moved out of its tracks.

I think the 33 Nosler is a winner and will pick up once one of the major gun makers starts offering this chambering. Myself, I will stay with the 338 RUM since I already have dies, brass etc.

I’d agree, looks like they designed a great case.

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The above 30 caliber cartridges don’t tend to set the world on fire with sales. You’ll hear much less about them because way less people will own them then vs a 6.5 Creed or similar.
SJB358":qkxxbkad said:
The above 30 caliber cartridges don’t tend to set the world on fire with sales. You’ll hear much less about them because way less people will own them then vs a 6.5 Creed or similar.

Yeah- once you step above .30 cal, the sales numbers drop off very quickly. My buddy only shoots his when he has to, it isn't really punishing....but it isn't something you'd want to casually plink with either.

We had planned on working up loads in several different weights...but after he fired 3 groups that came in at 3/4" with the 250gr AB...he called it "good enough" and went hunting. A guy could likely get 200-225gr bullets screaming fast with the case capacity but that 250 shoots great and hits hard. Both his .338WM and .375H&H went up for sale after the first season with it.

Sourcing components has been slightly problematic...in fact, the lack of factory ammo in our area was the catalyst for him learning to hand load.
Granted I'm shooting a fairly stiff recoiling load in my 338Wm and to be honest I don't think I want anything to hit me any harder off the bench. I have taken a piece of closed foam 1/2" padding and worn under my shirt to hold it in place while shooting wearing a T-shirt when the weather is warm and 20 shots are about my limit with it.
Dwh7271":2kfshgha said:

Amen to that!

I’d be more inclined to lengthen a 338 Win out to accommodate a 3.6” magazine before I jumped to a 33 Nosler. I think if you lengthened it to fit a magnum action you’d really get a bunch. I’ve thought about doing it a few times but my old Alaskan really does what I want as it sits right now.

I’ve always said a sub 9lb 340 Weatherby might be the baddest Elk rifle on the mountain but it’s a bit much in the recoil department without a brake to really be shot by me a ton.

I think the 33 Nosler is probably about the same thing in a different wrapper.
Scotty you may have something there with milling the frame to get a longer OAL.
I also know that lengthening the chamber on my 35/AI made a big difference letting me seat bullets out to mag length.
More powder cap in the case and not having to compress my loads. A little more free bore wouldn't hurt anything and help with pressure.