338 Loads


Apr 5, 2014
Threw a load together with IMR 4350

to try the Partitions and Accubonds. Both will take some work to close up the groups but I wouldn’t be uncomfortable shooting elk with the Partition as long as I didn’t have to stretch the distance. First shot hit about as perfect as I could ask for but I spread the next two some.
Was shooting in a t shirt and between the brake and the recoil pad it wasn’t bad at all. Came back sharply but was easily tolerable.

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Either bullet will perform well on elk when launched from your 338 WM. Good looking loads.
Don't discount the 210 gr Partition they hit like a freight train.
Give some RL 17 a try and you will make it come alive. It's a tad slower then 4350.

Check out the bullets board on this forum for 338 and you can see how they perform on game.
I wouldn't, and haven't, been uncomfortable with using the 338 WM and the 210gr Partitions on moose, elk, bison, and grizzly bear out to 270 yards over the years. WOuld still use out to 400 if necessary.
Go forth with confidence!
Couple of great bullets you go there. That 210 gr PT is one of Nosler's classic bullets, when I think of a 338 WM this is the one I think is a great all arounder.