340 WBY


Aug 20, 2006
just started getting my reloading stuff together for a 340 WBY Accumark

225gr TTSX
H4831 and IMR 7828
Fed 215GM
Norma Brass

Anyone have any suggestions?
Definitely on the right track powder wise.

Man, that 340 is a monster! I swear if my 338WM didn't shoot as good as it does, I would make it a 340WBY. I think it has the best blend of power/size of all the 338's. No disrespect meant to any of them, cause I like them all! Scotty
Plan on using the 225gr weight bullet

This weight has served me well in the 338 Win........

The 225gr Barnes TTSX is the bullet I plan to reload for:

I noticed Norma loads the 340 WBY at 3.68 COL
Jeff, seems like starting at mag box length and working back from there would net you the best results, since it has freebore and all? Don't know, never really messed with WBY cartridges too awfully much, other than the 300WBY. Scotty

Don't rule out RL 22. Another good powder to try.

Found some 230gr Fail Safe for my 340 WBy...............sure hope this bullet shoots good in the Accumark.

Plan on trying H4831 and IMR 7828 with this bullet.
I always had good luck with the Fail Safes, though I knew people who just had no success with them at all. I was sorry to see them no longer available.
Failsafes always shot great for me. I was just always concerned with the expansion.
Expansion was a problem, alot of hunters used the hevier fail safes on deer with poor results due to lack of expansion, the Fail Safe is a tough bullet made for heavy game.

I expect the 150gr in the 30-06 or 300 Win , 140gr 270 and 140gr in 7mm WSM Fail Safe should have been excellent on big deer and possibly elk.

I wish they would bring the Fail Safe back........ but it was a expensive bullet to make which added its demise.

I am looking forward to receiving 100ea of the 230gr FS and trying them in my 340 WBY.

Congratulations on finding some 230 gr Fail Safes. You are right, they are a tough bullet desighed for the biggest of game.
