35 Newton is scoped


Dec 24, 2006
I finally received my Talley's for my 35 Newton last night. Now, I just gotta get to the range.

I borrowed a 1.5x6 Nikon Monarch from Brian to do some shooting with the rifle.. Seems to fit pretty well.

That's almost Christmas Day! Can't wait for the first range report! Why don't you make the trip down here for the first test rounds? :grin:
That'll do, Scotty. I'm certain we're all anxious to witness the renaissance of the old cartridge. Paired with modern powders and bullets, it should be a game stopper.
Lookin' good Scotty.
She is going to be a shooter. :)

That Nikon looks like it belongs on the Newton. You might be buying Brian a new scope. :lol:
Yep that's a good looking thumper, can't wait for some range results.
I like me some Vertical rings also like to lap them on big boomers might even use some clear nail polish on ring screws on the head side :grin: if they have two top screws I would not use it and that is why I use WARNE's but real reason they carry more of them than they do Talley's !! Put ya a VXR #4 Fire dot on it Scotty that would be a sweet one ! I know you will find a sweet load for that thing with ease, good luck with it!
Thanks fella's. It shot pretty well for the new barrel. Figure as the barrel smooths out a little, it'll really start to come together. Shot 15 of my 20 loaded rounds tonight (ran outta daylight), but it a very good handling rifle. I think it is going to be a good one.
Scotty that is a sweet looking rifle :wink:. You are going to enjoy that little number for some time!!!

Damn Scotty, if ever there was a rifle that just begged to go to Alaska for bears that would be it!

EOD Diver":761770lk said:
Damn Scotty, if ever there was a rifle that just begged to go to Alaska for bears that would be it!


Ain't that the truth!
Neat rifle Scotty, glad it's all coming together for you!

That looks like it would be a real good scope for it as well. That, or something similar.
