35 Remington brass


Nov 4, 2014
Looking for 100-300 rounds but will buy from multiple people if smaller amounts. Any condition assuming I can clean and shoot it still. Just let me know. Thanks!
welcome to the forum. Sorry just sold about 150 of them
Thanks. Didn't even know this forum existed till a week ago but glad I found it. I've been coming up with lots of questions lately.
Welcome aboard, yukonjon; always glad to see new people posting. Hopefully, you'll find that brass shortly.
Hopefully. I didn't realize it was so difficult when I bought the gun. It almost cheaper to just buy preloaded ammo then buy brass.
I've purchased a lot of 35 Rem on GunBroker as used/range brass. Currently I've only been loading 42.3gr of LVR behind Speer 220s going just under 2200fps, and with this combo the brass will last a long time. As such I'm not excessively concerned about buying someone else's brass - the LVR pressures are low enough that a tester on Marlinowners.com has 30+ reloads on one case with zero stretch or signs of pressure.
That's good to hear. I haven't loaded any yet but I have 2 lbs of LVR powder waiting. I was going to use the hornandy 200rn bullets but I will look into the speers. I am watching a couple on gunbroker but it's not cheap.
I am hording the 200 or so brass that I have but am willing to let some 200gr Hornady flex tips go if you're interested. I am very partial to the 200gr Corelokt in this cartridge.

Sent from ACLakey's Android
yukonjon":2bq7k5rt said:
That's good to hear. I haven't loaded any yet but I have 2 lbs of LVR powder waiting. I was going to use the hornandy 200rn bullets but I will look into the speers. I am watching a couple on gunbroker but it's not cheap.

Did you see this one:
http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewIt ... =452127329

For the price I'd be tempted to buy a lot of 100 and see how they work. Given that military brass is generally a bit thicker than normal brass they might last forever.

FYI, the general recommendation with the 35 Rem is to neck size it with a Lee collet die, and don't mess with the shoulder. There isn't much shoulder, and some say you can do more harm than good. Based on how well my reloads were doing last week at the range I'd have to agree. I use the Lee neck collet, Lee seater and the Lee factory crimp die. It's the only threesome of Lees that I use. If by chance you need a set of dies and want a different brand let me know - I have other spares I would sell, but I do not recall the brand at present.

As ACLakey says, check out the bullet comparo.
Rem 200 Core-Lokt, Hornady 200 FTX and Speer 220s are where it's at for the 35 Remington. The Speers are available every couple of months, the Rems usually 1-2x per year and the Hornadys once per year. That's the down side of a less popular caliber.