357 Magnum revolver problems


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Hey guys I've got a Smith & Wesson from the performance center it's a 327 8 shot with a 5-in barrel. No matter what loads I have put into it so far it's always very very slow. I tried the 125 XTP with 19.4 grains of little gun and it gave me 1,200 ft per second. It shoots the 158 close to a thousand feet per second. Any idea what's going on cuz this thing's going to drive me nuts.

I've seen huge variations in velocity when it comes to rifles but never ever in a revolver.
Forcing cone clearance? Heavy crimp, small pistol magnum primers, and a slow burning powder, not much else to into it. That is a huge drop in velocity. Should be pushing 1500 I should think.
That's what I thought too....
Got any 2400? That might help speed it up. Coming from the Performance Center the cylinder clearance and forcing cone should be good to go. But now adays you never know coming from Smith & Wesson.
I don't think so but I do have n110 IMR 4227 and enforcer w296 h110 power pistol and some other ones
18 grains of ironmar 4227 and 125 grain XTP yielded 960 ft per second I'm telling you there's something seriously wrong with this revolver and I've never seen anything like it in my life
Ya, that new one is producing mighty slow velocity for what should be a pretty peppy load.

Wonder what the pressure is doing? How do the cases and primers look? Could the pressure be too low for good velocity?

Dang! A puzzle for sure.

I just shot some factory ammo 125 and 158 out of the 5-in 327 and 6" 686 Plus the 686 Plus with one more inch of barrel is yielding a little over 200 ft per second more than the 327