375 H&H Advice


Dec 24, 2006
I would like load for a 375 H&H. It is a M700 SPS. Not sure of barrel length, but I believe it is 22". Anyhow, I was looking through Midways bullet ratings, and I saw alot of reviews on 375 bullets. I want a bullet from 250-300gr that will be used for elk/black bear. It doesn't need to be a super premium for those animals. What bullet do you think would be a good all arounder load? I would think a 250-260 at 2650-2700 would make for a pretty flat shooting load. Also, what powder would be a good one to start with? I saw RL15 and IMR 4007SSC looked pretty decent initially. Scotty
Although I don't have a 375 H&H, I do have a 375RUM and use the 260AB (primarily) & 300AB, so my vote would be the 260AB for your H&H.

Go with the 260 gr AB and don't look back.


The 260 AB would be all that you ever needed in that cartridge. You really couldn't do much better.
Well, this may well be frowned on here on the Nosler forum, but I agree with you that for elk/bears, etc. you do not need a premium bullet in your .375 H&H.

I bought a Remington 700 XCR chambered in 375 H&H and had high hopes for the 260 grain AccuBond. However, my rifle just does not shoot them well. I tried and tried, but no luck. This is not the first time I have had this issue with Accubonds, but then in other guns they have shot fine.

My Remington shoots either the 300 grain Hornady boat tail or the 300 grain Sierra boat tail bullets quite well. With either IMR or Hodgdon 4350 it will group these bullets into an inch any time I do my part. If I were to hunt elk with that rifle, it would be a tossup, both are good bullets.

In as much as my rifle does not shoot the 260 grain AccuBond worth beans, it shoots quite well with the 270 grain Barnes TSX. I load that bullet over H 4895 and it makes some impressive groups for me. I simply have not shot any game with it, but I am having excellant results with other TSX products in my other rifles.

I just happened to pick up on old magazine article written by Finn Aagard this week. He had high praise for the 300 grain Sierra boat tail in the .375 H&H.
Those were my three picks actually, the 300gr BTSP HDY, 300gr SBT Sierra and the 260gr AccuBond. Just wondering which ones you all have some experience with and what powders. Thanks again for all the recommendations. It will come down to what is available, and such. I don't think there is a really bad choice in the bunch. Scotty
JD338":fosm0v29 said:

Go with the 260 gr AB and don't look back.


As usual spot on!!!!!!

Used it in my 378 WBY so no problem in your 375 Ouch & Ouch mag.
I have smashed two elk and a buck with the 260 AB out of my 375R. It is one of the most impressive bullets I have ever seen. The first bull was a two year old 3x4 at 240 yards. He was quartering away from me on a pretty steep down hill angle. I put it a bit far back, hitting him right in front of the rear hips. The bullet punched a big hole up through the liver, the offside lung and shoulder, and stopped under the hide on the far side. At the shot the bull stagered sideways and put his head down and didn't move. After 30 seconds or so I decided to put another one in him. he had changed angles a bit so this one went through both fron shoulders and stopped under the hide on the far side, dropping him.

The second bull was a spike that was running right at me! At 40 yards he took a 260 AB at about 2850 right infront of the close shoulder and exited out the middle of the off shoulder. Piled him up big time!

The buck was about 200 yards broadside. Hit was a double lung shot, dropping him.

Every single one of these critters had very little to no blood shot meat. They were the cleanest kills I have ever seen. The 260 AB is a very impressive bullet both in the air, and on game. Plus it is kinda sexy looking if you ask me.


Jmad, great pictures, and you have kind of sold me on the 260gr AccuBond! That is some awesome performance for sure. Plus, the majority of usage will be while guiding bear and elk hunters. I think that is a great looking bullet also, and pretty sleek for a 375 caliber bullet. Thanks for the pictures. Scotty
beretzs":36ci8et1 said:
I would like load for a 375 H&H. It is a M700 SPS. Not sure of barrel length, but I believe it is 22". Anyhow, I was looking through Midways bullet ratings, and I saw alot of reviews on 375 bullets. I want a bullet from 250-300gr that will be used for elk/black bear. It doesn't need to be a super premium for those animals. What bullet do you think would be a good all arounder load? I would think a 250-260 at 2650-2700 would make for a pretty flat shooting load. Also, what powder would be a good one to start with? I saw RL15 and IMR 4007SSC looked pretty decent initially. Scotty
....................Don`t have a 375 H&H, but my 375 Ruger does shoot the same bullets. It likes RL15 and H-4350.

For elk and b/bear, you can even use a 225 gr Horn SP imo. From my 20" Ruger Alaskan using 79 gr RL15, that 225 grainer got me 3016 fps. You should be pretty close with your 22" er.

In the 250 gr to 270 gr range, you have the 250 gr Sierra, the 260 gr A /B, and the 270 gr Horn SP. Anyone of those would do just fine for elk and the blackies as well. The 260 gr A/B will give you the better BC.

I agree with the others, that in your case for elk and black bear, you won`t need a super duper premium bullet.
Here are the two 260 ABs that I pulled out of the 3x4 bull. One weighs 173 gr. and the other is 203 gr. The lighter one is the one the busted up both shoulders. One is .65" across and the other is .76".


Picture perfect performance if you ask me.
Congratulations on your good luck!

jmad_81":2j6vws3p said:
Here are the two 260 ABs that I pulled out of the 3x4 bull. One weighs 173 gr. and the other is 203 gr. The lighter one is the one the busted up both shoulders. One is .65" across and the other is .76".


They Look great!
Yeah, those look really good! They look like they did a fantastic job, and you said they saved alot of meat also. I saw some 270gr HDY's tonight, and almost got them, but I think I will wait for some Noslers. I know they will eventually have 2nds, so it will be less expensive in the long run I think.

Oh, do you all crimp your 375 loads? Just wondering, as I wasn't planning in it, but I would if needed. I also kinda want to stick with the Accubonds, as their tips should hold up to recoil better. Scotty
Haven't shot any game with mine yet, but those 260 Accubonds shoot great! Recovered this one from the infamous milk jugs at 25 yards. Doesn't look too different from those that came from elk. Cool.

Not a bad group I thought:
Wow, that is great shooting Guy. That bullet looks excellent for 25 yards in water! That is a brutal test. I think I will give them a whirl, if I can get my hands on some. What was your load for that group? Scotty
260 gr Nosler AccuBond, 76.5 H4350, 2647 fps avg

Pretty mild load. According to my notes the recovered bullet weighed 179 grains and expanded to just over .8" dia.
Thanks for the load Guy. That actually looks like a good all around load. I think Hogdon give 78gr's max for the 260gr Partition, at around 2700. Your load looks like a great one, and 2600+ with the 260's is pretty flat shooting with that sleek AccuBond. Can't wait to get started. Maybe this will get me in the mood to get my own 375. Scotty
I shot a 375 H&H for over 10 years. I sold it before I tested ABs :cry: but the bullet I used for everything from Antelope to Moose was the 235gr speers ontop of IMR4895 it was right around the 3000fps. It just never failed me.
