375 H&H On Whitetails.


Nov 5, 2004
Any body care to comment or is this lunacy.It would be loaded down of course and shots would 150 yard and under.

Care to recommend a bullet,please.


The 375 H&H on deer........perfect!!!!
Load up the 260 gr AB and kill some deer. You should be able to eat right up to the bullet hole. :lol: Even at 2700 fps, meat damage will be minimal.

Cornfield SWO":2d9cv1ms said:
I used a .416 Rigby with standard factory loads on a white tail buck last year. The meat damage with the .416 was less than what I experienced on a different white tail later in the season with a .300 Savage. Pictures and details are here if you are interested: http://www.jesseshunting.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=51746. Scroll down to post #59.

Ya just gota love it! :lol:

Have used it on several...I used Barnes X 210 grainers right at 3000 fps. They go in .375, come out .375 and the deer tips over. Not a lot of mess either...
375hh1973":3o09nq63 said:
Have used it on several...I used Barnes X 210 grainers right at 3000 fps. They go in .375, come out .375 and the deer tips over. Not a lot of mess either...

No expansion?
POP- no, not much expansion at all. To be honest I have only shot 3 deer- all decent sized does. The first 2 were at 85 and 105 yard respectively and were both neck shots. In and out holes were both .375, both deer dropped instantly. The third was a decent sized doe at 117 yards and her neck was obscurred by a pine tree so I went against my instinct and double lunged her. She ran about 15 yards and piled up but the same thing- .375 in and .375 out. I like this load for the accuracy but would never count on any expansion on deer. Maybe I got a bad run of bullets or need to shoot bigger animals. I have a friend that used the 270 grain Barnes X in .375 in Africa and had a close call with a Lion due to poor expansion. The next time he went he used a Swift A-Frame and performance was a lot better...
375hh1973":37u34eke said:
POP- no, not much expansion at all. To be honest I have only shot 3 deer- all decent sized does. The first 2 were at 85 and 105 yard respectively and were both neck shots. In and out holes were both .375, both deer dropped instantly. The third was a decent sized doe at 117 yards and her neck was obscurred by a pine tree so I went against my instinct and double lunged her. She ran about 15 yards and piled up but the same thing- .375 in and .375 out. I like this load for the accuracy but would never count on any expansion on deer. Maybe I got a bad run of bullets or need to shoot bigger animals. I have a friend that used the 270 grain Barnes X in .375 in Africa and had a close call with a Lion due to poor expansion. The next time he went he used a Swift A-Frame and performance was a lot better...

Your speed?
It is the only aspect I do not like about the barnes x. Expansion can be a toss up! :shock:
284LUVR":3184nnn8 said:
Any body care to comment or is this lunacy.It would be loaded down of course and shots would 150 yard and under.

Care to recommend a bullet,please.


Yes, i have used the the 375H&H on several whitetail deer.
The load was 67 grs. of 4064 and a 300 Sierra. You don,t have much of a trailing job.
6ppcar":i3zno90i said:
284LUVR":i3zno90i said:
Any body care to comment or is this lunacy.It would be loaded down of course and shots would 150 yard and under.

Care to recommend a bullet,please.


Yes, i have used the the 375H&H on several whitetail deer.
The load was 67 grs. of 4064 and a 300 Sierra. You don,t have much of a trailing job.

Yeah, about 3 feet straight down! I just love those big bores. :wink:

I don't have a 375 H&H.. but I do have a 375 Ultra Mag.. I use either the 260 gr AccuBond or a 300 Gr Partition.. with the Partition, I've taken half a dozen deer (brother has taken about the same amount with the same bullets) with a head/neck shot the bullet is either a clean miss, or a deadly hit..

last deer we got was a 21" mule deer.. he jumped right as my brother pulled the trigger on a head shot.. the 300 Gr Partition moving 2900 fps hit high in the right ham.. destroyed the top of the ham, pulverized the pelvis and followed the tenderloin up and the bullet (back half, front was gone) stopped against the brisket. The buck was about 250-275 lbs and that bullet went through atleast 3 maybe 4 ft of animal..

My last buck was with a 260 gr AccuBond shot high in the neck.. right under the skin was a hole big enough you could put your fist through it, where it had violently expanded, the exit hole was smaller, about 1.5" in diameter right beneath the chin..

I'll never use Barnes bullets, since 2 rifles we owned had messed up ballistic charts (30-378 wby mag and 375 Ultra mag) in their latest edition reloading manual.. if they can't have quality control on their manual, what will make their quality control of their ammo any better?
dundonrl":3nncf6ou said:
I don't have a 375 H&H.. but I do have a 375 Ultra Mag..

So you have more of a good thing! :lol:
I worked graveyard last night and had time to read an article on the new ruger alaskan in 375 ruger.By the end of the night I had talked myself out of wanting one (what do I need a 375 for?).Then I come home and read this,now I am wanting one again! THANKS ALOT! :p
I have shot a lot of roedeer and moose with the 375 H&H, even fox. I dont think there is anything worth hunting that cant be hunted with this round. I used to stick to 300 gn. gamekings, and they are great, but now I have converted to 260 accubonds, and they do the same job with better trajectory.
If you use a 375 and worry more about where the game is than were it was, youre doing fine.

To some previous posters:

Not aiming for the shoulder, heart, lungs area is stupid!